
Wednesday 8 June 2016

June 23 BREXIT

No coincidence that it is the GRAND CROSS, and then the Summer Solstice on June 20, followed by the EU referendum on June 23rd. Where does wisdom stand on the vote? The patchwork quilt made it clear, Proverbs 31 and the hand made bed covering, every single stitch and it took two years to make it in the 70's. 

However, Nigel Farage and others have worked much longer than that to help our country to have a choice in what our futures can manifest. David Cameron couldn't even respond to the question about MEP's and the fact that most people don't know who their MEP is. Why is that? in my experience most MEP's spend time with their local business community when they are in the UK. 

That's why local people rarely find out what they do and where. Business people contact their MEP's if and when they have a business requirement to do so. Just like local people contact their MP if they have a requirement to do so. 

In this video its being called "Golden Day", its your day to choose, people of these Islands. I read today that the veterans have come out against the EU due to them wishing to save the British military. 

Our veterans don't support the building of an EU army that the people of the UK would be paying for. 

I remember the days prior to EU membership and I much preferred our country and other countries in Europe then. Since that time this ex-business woman has seen what has happened to some of the EU countries, sad, but true. 

I saw how the tourism to Greece was slashed by 50% overnight, as soon as they joined the EURO. I've seen the population explosion in recent decades and how the infrastructures of the UK cannot withstand the sheer pressure of the size and extent of the immigration. I've seen how whole communities and locations have been 'destroyed', history and culture. There is not much time left for the UK, major change has to happen if its people are to save it for future generations to prosper.


  1. Google have decided log people out of their blogs, so that they can get more private information. I cannot support today's actions by Google. Its been a great three years on this blog sharing the journey and new discoveries. I will post on the comments of this blog if I am led to begin anew beginning in a different space. For now I have a lot to do related to health. Blessings to all of our readers, stay strong.

  2. Interesting, after I wrote the above comment, I was logged into the blog again automatically.
