
Wednesday 29 June 2016

KARMA Spiritual Law

The question was posed in the social networks in respect of the law of karma and how it can be overcome. In my experience, merciful and compassionate deeds, helping others often involves giving and giving, and giving financially. It also requires pure intentions and the utmost attention.

And in other ways too, sometimes it can involve putting in the effort to help another person in their life, in their healing, business to launch it, products or services. Picking a person up when they require help, and not leaving them by the wayside. Did you pick up a talented person that was unemployed and then launch their career? Do you comprehend the importance of this and teaching a soul to fly divinely? Did you help the youngsters to get on at a crucial time in their lives?

What help did you give to the people? Did you do fund-raising for local charities when they called out for help for the disabled? How about local people, how many disabled people did you help? Did you give spirituality that the disabled were crying out for?

Did you feed the disabled and give them a drink, how about the social justice of respect and dignity, did you support the disabled with that? Did you invite them to your spiritual parties so that they could have some fun with you? Did you teach them what they asked to be taught? Did you respond to their questions? Did you give the disabled what they asked for when they asked for it? Did you get the shopping for the lame and take them to hospital?

Did you offer to get the shopping for those people? Did you accompany the disabled on holiday, so that they would be able to live their dream? Did you do it for the power of love that poured out of your heart? Was your heart compelled by love beyond measure?

Did you fill the fridges and cupboards with food when people required it? Were you in the presence of those people when they required it, did you make sure that you did everything that you could to help others when you saw that there was a requirement to act compassionately and mercifully now.

Did you pay a persons bills for them, when they couldn't afford to do so? Did you arrive with packages and a takeaway to cheer someone up? Did you arrive with flowers and cakes to cheer someone up? Did you give a new washing machine to a family when they required it, how about your expensive sofas? Did you give a new oven to a person when they required it, how about a new fridge?

Sometimes it can be a member of your own family, sometimes it can be a friend, a neighbour, or a stranger, or someone that has been brought into your personal or work life in different phases of it.

As the Spirit gives life, and those that are worthy give to the healers that are worthy, people that help the people to raise up their vibration.

This mandala was gifted to a woman that received help from yours truly, and she came into my life when she was just a young student in the 90's.


Four sacred keys to life. 

Unlocking your potential, requires strong ethics and integrity, it can often require healing of the self on the spiritual journey, as you move through each phase of your life. When there are pure intentions in your heart, when your positive thoughts, words, deeds and actions outweigh everything else in your life, you've been victorious and overcome it.

If you are spiritually aware and spiritually developed, you are shown on the spiritual plane when your heart weighs as light as a feather. I was shown it during the Rev 12 timeline that began after the new millennium began. It was symbolic of a state of being in the lightness of purity, the purity of a single white feather.

Jesus truly understood the power of the spiritual law, and that is why he spoke to his followers about it. He appreciated the power of giving in the spiritual law, and how essential it was for opening the eyes of the heart.

Sometimes people require unlocking to manifest the power of love in their lives, sometimes people have to find the key to their hearts, sometimes people can do it by seeking within themselves for what is ailing them. So that it can be healed. Sometimes a person requires help with that unlocking, sometimes with the help of Spirit it can come to be, and sometimes it requires a professional self-development facilitator with integrity to be able to do it, a person with the Spirit that knows how to help people to liberate their love, by helping another to make a breakthrough in their life. Side-by-side, hand in hand, together we help people to make a shift in consciousness.

Sometimes it requires healing the 'inner child', or past life healing due to the memories that people carry with them to overcome this lifetime. Memories that impact upon their unconscious mind fields that can motivate their lives. Hence there are different motivations that motivate different people due to what is in those fields of consciousness impacting upon their actions.

It really depends on their soul journey, north node and childhood that was agreed upon pre-destination, how much healing of self they have done, for the kingdom of heaven is within you, and there are many heavens for you see. The more that the soul is purified, the more that you can see Spirit and merge with it in relationship that is beyond compare.

Interesting that Vodafone were involved in the Arab Spring, and the Egyptian people were not happy with Vodafone. Australians are not happy with Vodafone either. So the spiritual law of karma is impacting upon Vodafone, it has been witnessed that they had to close many stores because the people rose up to challenge Vodafone, my people have judged Vodafone exactly as the biblical prophecies predicted that they we would.

The directors of Vodafone have a lot to learn about the spiritual law of giving, for only when you give, are you given the blessings from heaven. Vodafone owe my people £6B in the UK, Vodafone must give it back to the people that they took it from, or face the consequences for not doing so, they have 24 hours.

Vodafone no room.

To live harmoniously with the spiritual law, people have to live in integrity with it, and for that you have to have the eyes of your heart open. The night that the leave votes were being announced I felt the power of the love of Jesus as his waves of love poured upon me. The hearts of the people united in word, deed, and action. It was a jubilant night when I was on live chat, and it was wonderful to see our people so joyous, we were also united in the fact that Nigel Farage as worked so hard on behalf of us all, and we give a very special thank you to Nigel for everything that he has done to help bring about the referendum for the people to choose.

To those that are complaining about the outcome of the referendum I say to you, that silence is compliance. Those that did not vote were clearly giving their compliance due to their silence when they were given the opportunity to take action. A true democracy is in integrity with the spiritual law that gives freedom to our people.

A freedom that enables the greatest support to be given to those that most require it, that is what Jesus was teaching. The Son of God had tremendous support in his work life, for his spiritual community, for his true teachings, and for all those that loved him. 2,000 years as led to this, and we are celebrating the joy in our hearts. We stayed trustfully loyal, as was requested of us, to do so - until the end. As the Son of Joseph said, 'The power is with the people when they are united'.


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