
Wednesday 29 June 2016


This healing painting is for a person living in America. I've called it the healing hand of transformation to help with the healing and transformation that is required for this person. 

In the painting I see two babies flying together a boy and a girl. The pink in the heart of the hand is fragile and ragged like the ruggedness of a mountain or the shape of a rose quartz rock crystal. 

Although if you look very closely at the painting it has the face of an older man, as in the face of God that has made an appearance in the hand of transformational healing. It is the left hand although it looks like the right hand due to the screen shot, and the left hand is to do with past lives. The thumb is pointing upwards and the thumb is to do with the will of God that has been lived in past lives. 

The colours in the painting are green, royal blue, turquoise and pink. The turquoise for healing transformation, for acceptance and the thymus level of consciousness. The green on the fingers, the green fingers that nature requires, the pink for the sheer amount of love that is being given to you at this time. It is a hand of help, a helping hand and the left hand is  usually the most sensitive to the feeling of energies and the energies of flowers and trees in nature. 

A natural environment is most suited to this person, a natural environment from where the sacred waters can be seen. It is a blessing to receive and it is a blessing to give, its how we accept that blessing from the heavenly realms that is important. Then what we choose to do with the blessing bestowed. 

The royal blue is symbolic of the healing of the holy mother, and Diana was given the Sapphire blue to wear as a ring. The green energies in this hand also remind me of David, and I am sure that he is watching over you all, a leader of ecological self-sustainabilty. 

The pink, symbolic of the power of love beyond measure and having the healing power in your hands, the universal life energy. 

The hand has a numeric of five and that is to do with the physical realm, a hand of transformation for the transformation of physical life; and where that life is going with the help that is to being received. The waters of receptivity, the feminine, is what is being shown in this painting. Although the green thumb is very strong in its colour. I hope that you like the healing painting. Best wishes. 

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