
Thursday 30 June 2016

Angels of Colour Painting

Interesting painting of three hands, and the name I was given prior to painting it was 


I viewed it as a Brexit painting, due to the different colours of people that voted leave. Although at the heart of it is the labour heartland. From a distance it looks like a crown, like a rainbow crown in front of the sun. You could view it being filled with precious, and semi-precious gems. It has the numeric of 15 and many people started work at that age in the UK. Although what has happened in the last 15 years as been paramount in the hearts of the people. 1+5 = 6 the month of June in a year that ends in 6.

The day of the referendum was the 23rd of June, 2016. 2+3 = 5 and the numeric of five impacts on physical life. It is also the 'Day of Enchantment' in numerics and it reminds me of the spiritual unicorns. The numeric of the total date was 569 = 20 and 20 is the numeric of judgement. It certainly was judgement day upon the EU Project, the EU Project, a stuffed Turkey with stuffed chickens inside it.

The year 2016, is also 'The first will be last and the last will be first'. It has certainly been epic so far and I agree with Nigel Farage that freedom is priceless. The spiritual freedom campaign began after the new millennium began, Zion defends, and salvation is at the gates of Zion.

The numeric of 23 is also the numeric of the Royal Star of the Lion and the numeric promised success in career and personal matters that are dear to your hearts. It is also a karmic reward numeric and it indicates guaranteed protection from those in high places and help from superiors. It is a most fortunate numeric and no other numbers can challenge the strength of the Lion and expect to win.

No coincidence then that Nigel Farage chose to have a video with a Lion in it. Our Lions in the UK have been really tremendous, love you so much for all that you have done to support the country where you were born. You know who you are - and you know that we love you.

The angels of colour came from the sun and the sun supports their manifestation, and effort that they have put in to our country. The commonwealth indeed brought prosperity to those that were invited to come and live in the UK. Generations of people that helped to create the infrastructure that the country required, generations of people that are honoured for their achievements, dedication, and devotion.

I still have a little book that an angel of colour gifted me with, bless her and her mum. I sometimes wonder how she is doing, as she first came into my life in the 90s with other angels of colour that required divine guidance.

Being available to people on the telephone, enabled so many people to receive divine guidance in the privacy of their own homes; and a taped recording of each consultation was sent to those people. I do remember that it was usually women that would phone to make an appointment that would be pre-arranged to suit their work schedules and mine.

Some men did have the courage to make that call for assistance, although they were usually spiritually inclined, and had come on recommendation like so many of the women had. The Bride said come, and the Spirit said come.

One of the main reasons that the Son of Joseph became a Justice of the Peace, was so that he could help our angels of colour.

After I had shared this today I received a knock on the door from a young graduate who came on behalf of the RNIB Charity. The RNIB Charity mention on their profile that they have 3,000 volunteers. Did those graduate volunteers come from the 'Welfare-to-Work;' programme due to being 'unemployed'? Young, healthy men, the sheer number of graduates that are 'unemployed' as soared, its a huge reality check for those that spent so much on their education.

Its not a millennial thing either, although the numbers have increased during the new millennium. I remember in the 90's when the graduate CV's were often sent to me when people were looking for jobs. I did try to help one of the graduates and offered him an opportunity, he had been introduced by his friend who was one of the London consultants that I had hired.

Then the real impact of the recession was a serious reality check for us all. I for one was fortunate to keep our home with the help of a corporate lawyer. As far as I can see, the UK did not recover from that recession fully due to the impact that it had on manufacturing.

We also saw many call centre jobs from the banks etc go abroad. It got to the point whereby, you rarely would speak to a person with an English voice that was living in the UK. The sheer impact of all of that combined with the technology that swept away whole departments and companies will certainly remain in the memories of those whose lives were impacted by it.

People are still celebrating that we are getting our country back, although the social experiment upon the real lives of people, how can they ever be repaid for what they've suffered? The impact on their health and lives of their children, I agree with Nigel Farage, the cost of freedom is priceless.

Pensions that were removed from 1950s women, and with it everything that comes with a pension, including dental care. Have you seen the cost of dental care, even on the NHS? How can people afford it? They can't.

When you love your country you defend it. If you love what God loves, then you defend what God loves. Our people, the 'disabled and unemployed' are being sanctioned by an American corporation, their employees are being paid up to £20,000 a month. Remember this that it was the Conservatives, and DWP that gave the contract to Maximus Inc.

It was the Conservatives that introduced the austerity measures when there was no requirement to do so. They made £7B worth of cuts when Vodafone owed the UK economy £6B. 

Quite frankly, Cameron and his DWP ministers should be brought before a court of law for 'Corporate Manslaughter'. How many more people will die before it happens? They have to be brought to account in a court of law for what they have done that is impacting upon the daily lives of our people.

The Son of God made it very clear that they would not be forgiven if they stood against the Holy Spirit, although he taught me so much about forgiveness during the Rev 12 timeline. How the depth of your forgiveness determines the depth of your love. 

HaShem as spoken in recent days and he spoke of what they had done had been 'Brutal', and he also spoke of 'Disgust' while I was trying to walk on the injury. If we look at the word 'Disgust' it is associated with heart rate and the decreasing of it. Beloved David Green.

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