
Wednesday 29 June 2016


Vodafone we have no room for companies and corporations unless they live in integrity. Did you pay your taxes Vodafone? Vodafone has been investigated more than once, Vodafone can leave the UK, pay your taxes before you leave. Its time for you all to comprehend that we only have room for integrity in the lives of the British people. Our people are on it, and its not going to stop now.

As the Son of Joseph used to say, 'The power is with the people when they are united'. The people have a choice whether to engage with Vodafone or not. People vote with your feet, its up to the people to show the corporations that the customer can decide for themselves whether a company is in integrity or not. Did people sign up for Vodafone contracts?

Isn't it better to pay as you go, isn't it better to support those that live in integrity for our nation? Isn't it better to support companies that are willing to make a contribution to our country in more than jobs? You have to pay your taxes Vodafone in the same way that my family had to pay their taxes.

No point 'threatening' my people Vodafone, because we can create new companies with new jobs, that pay better wages to its staff. With companies and staff that are in integrity. We can launch companies, products and services, we can make companies a success, we know how to create brand leaders.  We are second to none, in our expertise and talents in this country.

Remember this our people went through the industrial revolution, and in the end it was the people that had to stand up to the business owners, we've done it before and we can do it again.

We are strong in heart and in Spirit, our people shall overcome and be victorious. For it is the Spirit that gives life and salvation is at the gates of daughter Zion. The LORD loves Zion more than all of the dwellings of Jacob.

Wisdom more precious than rubies.


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