
Monday 20 June 2016


2,000 years have led to this, decades of preparation has led to this. For every individual to lay claim to their own crown and sanctity. The gold sovereign and how important it was, when women began to wear it in London, it was a sign that the poor were prospering and gaining in financial stability. They referred to the gold as their stock, they had it for emergencies.

No surprise then that St Clement of Alexandria wrote about the coin when he was referring to Jesus. How times changed, as the next generation were more likely to put their money into bricks and mortar and then property became an investment. Where would the property market have been without those that worked hard to buy their homes? Where would Thatcher have been if she hadn't sold the social housing to those that had lived in the homes for decades? Would we have enough social housing now for the poorest in the communities?

Thatcher knew what was being planned in the EU, did she do her utmost to give those that lived in social housing in the UK, security of tenure by helping her people to buy? I know of families that bought their family homes, and if they hadn't, Cameron wouldn't have asked those people to move out of their homes to make way for an immigration family.

I also know a woman that was helped to buy her council flat, she is very pleased that she did now, otherwise they would be asking her to leave her flat too. Her plus has also been that her mortgage repayment is only a quarter of what people are paying to live in non-bought for social housing.

People think that social housing is low-cost, it isn't, when you bear in mind the amount of space you are given, and when you are paying full rent and rates. My view is that social housing is expensive for what is given. Also people with one bedroom flats are paying the same as people with two bedroom flats, so there is no cost saving by having less space.

Although Cameron thinks he can charge people extra just for living and breathing in the space that people require. Did you know that the English live in the smallest properties in Europe?

We have a saying in England, a man's home is his castle. A castle, a strong structure, a fortress that has a sovereign. Its a wonderful feeling isn't when you move into your own place for the first time. Once experienced the feeling is never the same as the first time, a home chosen together. I'm sure my parents felt the same when they bought their country retreat for £5,000.

What happened to prices after  that? We went into the EU. I remember the days when you could buy a two-bed house for £16,000 in my location, and we bought a 3 bedroomed Victorian house for £26,000, how times have changed. In those days we didn't buy as an investment, we bought because we really liked the property as a home in a lovely location.

The elders know what happened after that, after we joined the EU, prices shot through the roof, yet we really didn't associate it with high immigration and its growth at the time. What followed the property boom was a property crash, with the recession of the 80s that went into the 90's. Many businesses and people didn't survive it - due to the what the politicians and bankers had done.

It was at that time that many had to review their lives, and where they were going, was business worth it? Those that could afford to move abroad at this point did so, they knew in their hearts where it was going in England, and now many more are doing the same. Remember all those poor people that ended up with negative equity, and became homeless due to the mortgages that the banks had given them? Remember they did the same in the USA with the sub-prime mortgages? Yea, all socially engineered. Always taking your assets aren't they?

Remember the sheer amount of assets that were taken from the people in Europe in the 20th century, in the 30s and 40s? Remember the involvement of the Vatican and Islam? That war never ended did it, it just went underground to rear its head again. Hence, it is time for the English to hold their own crown. Time for the English to take their power back from the EU and its immigration policies.

I saw what was happening in the property market, I saw what it was doing to people and families, and I was compelled to get out, I left my six-bedroomed house behind, it had served its purpose, it was time to move on. After that I had no aspiration for investment in bricks and mortar, no aspiration to stay in the 'hamster' wheel of life. I was set free like a bird from a cage, and I certainly took flight, once I found my wings to fly divinely. Like a butterfly, it was a spiritual transformation.

I did look for land where food could grow, I did look for land that could become, ecological self-sustainable villages to share with other spiritual people. Free to go where Spirit sent me to go to see what Spirit wished for me to see.

During my travels I made more discoveries about what the EU was doing to Europe, and quite frankly, I was not impressed with the sheer expenditure that people in England neither see or hear about. Do you know what they've spent our money on? Simple question, if you don't know the answer you better vote to leave.

Time for the English to be sovereigns of themselves. Lay claim to your own crown, for what is a castle unless you have a crown? Are the English ready for the 'Crown of Life'? For blessed is the one that perseveres under trial because having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those that love him. James 1:12

For the LORD takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with victory. Psalm 149:4 Gray hair is a crown of splendour, it is attained in the way of righteousness. Proverbs 16:31 Children's children are a crown to the aged. Proverbs 17:6. A crown for Sophia and Joseph, my son a crown for his grandparents, for the Lily, and the RAB.

She will give you a garland to grace your head and present you with a glorious crown. Proverbs 4:9 My bridesmaids were given little crowns made with flowers, and flower baskets, three little girls.

Blessings crown the head of the righteous. Proverbs 10:6 I remember the man that first sent me blessings, blessings in abundance to the healer, always in my heart.


They will enter ZION with singing, everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away. Isaiah 35:10, I so remember that timeline in the 90's and when we turned into the new millennium together.

How happy all the healers and spiritual people were being together touring on the circuit, hand in hand, side by side. Our hearts filled with the power of love beyond measure, the outpouring of love and healing upon our people, and all that were brought to the door of the humble hearted.

"The LORD their God will save his people on that day as a shepherd saves his flock. They will sparkle in his land like jewels in a crown" Zechariah 9:16 They certainly did, and the miracles abounded.

"You will be a crown of splendour in the LORD's hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God". Isaiah 62:3

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