
Monday 20 June 2016


Today I laid down on my bed with my left foot on the light box and soon after I could feel the energy and its movement. The energy could be felt going from the foot to the backs of both legs as far as above the knees. I could then feel the energy on the left side of the leg below the knee and it felt like it was moving up a meridian.

The energy then came back up behind the legs, and there was a concentration of energy around the knees, I could then feel it above the solar plexus, and it went quite high, prior to the energy in the leg going right up to the buttocks. I noted where I could feel any sharpness.

While the light work was happening, I noticed that there was a large gap between the big toe and the other toes as my left foot was gently placed upon the light box. While the energy work was happening with the coloured light, I must have dosed off to sleep. As after that I had a dream of a man in a grey hoodie. This is a photograph of a painting that I took afterwards.

I was going to paint my foot to show the gap, although when I put my left on the paper to draw around it, I noticed that the gap had closed. Strange circumstances, then when I looked at this photograph it looks like there is a man standing in the background of the photograph in period costume.

Back to the dream, a man came up really close to me and he was youngish and looked like he was in his 30's like my son, in fact, he looked like my son with the colour of his hair etc. He even sounded like him. The man was wearing a grey hoodie and the hood was on his head. He looked happy, and he said, 'I am going to give you $20,000, $20,000 to you, and $20,000 to your son'. Then the dream ended.

A strange dream that it was dollars rather than pounds, so the dream must pertain to someone from abroad that talks in dollars. In dream interpretation to dream of being given money determines that things will go well in everything that concerns you. If the money was honestly come by, it indicates that financial security is given due to you developing your own resources.

Colour is important in dream interpretation, and the hoodie was a prominent aspect of the dream because the man wearing it was also so close in proximity in the dream. In dream interpretation, the colour grey signifies a person that is 'marking time'.

In Australia there was a television mini-series called, 'Marking Time'.

The phrase 'Marking Time' can indicate that the man in the dream as been waiting in readiness for the right time to give, to the right people to give to. Also interesting that the phrase is connected with feet, and it can mean to move the feet alternatively in the rhythm of a marching step without advancing. Is the man a veteran? Anything is possible.

A lot going on with feet isn't there?

Being given a numeric in a dream indicates an increase of prestige and personal power. The total amount being given in the dream was 40,000 and 40 is a known biblical number associated with Moses. Nostradamus also included the numeric of 40 in his prophecies when he wrote about the Iris prophecy. How the Iris wouldn't be seen for 40 years and after that it could be seen everyday.

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