
Tuesday 21 June 2016


Americans are still speculating, and I sense that we will see a lot of speculators disappear as the events unfold with the crowning of the aged. As prophecy foretold, the children's children crown the aged. Did Jeremy Corbyn get it right?

Tell the children the truth Corbyn, we had more social justice prior to being members of the EU, and trade union officials were working with trade union officials in the EU and further afield.

Wisdom is paid for Jeremy, how much did you pay? Interesting that they've laid two roses in parliament for Cox, a white rose and red rose symbolic of the historical  'war of the roses'.

Joe Cox was educated at Cambridge University, although she was given a top job at Oxfam in the UK and in New York. The Oxfam Charity, check out their record, as they're not known for their integrity that the soul of Cox had to integrate this lifetime. 41 year old Jo Cox had her north node in Sagittarius that is all about integrating integrity. A person of integrity wouldn't work for Oxfam because of what they do, Oxfam have even admitted that what they do is 'illegal'.

When Oxfam volunteers came to my door, I gave them a righteous talking too, and we were doing high fives when they left my doorstep. TZADIKIM.

Some say, her husband also worked for 'Save the Children', and there has been some goings on there too. It is written that he had to leave that charity due to what was going to be disclosed by women if he didn't. Was Jo Cox an agent? I won't speculate on it, although we do know that they're recruited at universities.

I do not condone what they say happened to her as the commandment is clear, 'Thy shall not kill' and the people are demanding to see the CCTV footage.

Although their mourning for a politician as reached the heavens, due to them not mourning every other person that the same happens too. Its clear that only politicians matter to politicians as the heavenly Father said, 'Politics is the bane of your life'.

Politicians go into politics with their eyes wide open, and Oxfam was started by the Quakers. A few years ago it was brought to my notice that some Quakers are 'anti-Israel', 'anti-Jewish' people and 'anti-Spiritual' people. They tend to be very Conservative and they don't like the professionals that know what they're talking about, they don't like people that can prove that there is life after death.

So how can truth be shared with the Quakers? When in the 21st century they're not even willing to listen to the scientific facts of the latest cutting edge science!

Did the Quaker, Joseph Rowntree really intend for his charitable foundation to be spent on investigating the political process and why people were not voting in elections? Joseph wished for his money to help the poor and provide social justice for the poor, not the politicians.

Its not just the Quakers and Oxfam though is it? I met members from Amnesty International, and truly, I couldn't believe my ears. I told that woman quite frankly, go to Israel, walk the land for five  weeks as I have done, then come back and talk to me.

It is any surprise that the Labour Party and its emails are being investigated this June?

The GRAND CROSS and the summer Solstice.

Remember this only one in a thousand can stand before the flame of Joseph in integrity, integrity of the heart. How many have their ears and eyes open to what has happened and is happening to our people? American systems imposed upon our people with CBT IAPT and the Maximus corporation that is paying staff up to £20,000 a month to sanction the disabled. Is that fair and just?

Would Jesus approve of such things, would Jesus approve of the American corporations and what they do? Certainly not, he was aware of how the 'rich get richer on the backs of the poor', and that is why Jesus knew what we had to do to help the poor to help them to make a breakthrough and liberate their love. He also warned his followers about the medics and what they do with their pharmaceuticals.

Did you know that contraception products that were banned in America due to them causing cancer was then sold to third-world countries? SEARLE had so many court cases brought against it in America, that they stopped inserting those devices into American women.

Did you know that American food is banned in over 160 countries, and yet Obama and Clinton would like Europeans to import their food. The quality of food in Europe is far higher than the food in the USA. The UK has a 'trade deficit', as such, every true business person knows that we have to remove the overhead of the EU, its a cost that we cannot afford.

The American corporation, and the EU would like to 'dismantle' our NHS completely, and replace it with a privatised system, like they've got. No thank you America, the people in the UK will do our best to save the NHS even though we are aware that it has to be transformed and brought up to date.

Maggie Thatcher defended the nation the best way that she knew how. By offering the poor to purchase their homes so that the English would have security of tenure. Clearly she knew what the plans were with immigration policy in the EU.

The Iron Lady was not for turning, and she said, NO to the EU 'unelected officials' in Brussels, that's why she was ousted. The woman that promoted 'Investors in People' and improvements for everyone. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time to ride the crest of the prosperity wave, until the recession hit the building industry hard, and my clients had to tighten their belts. That then had a domino impact on my life, you can't take anything for granted in life. Not business, not relationships, not health America.

Yet, the men did everything that they could to undermine Thatchers authority and sovereign nature.

It was hard for them to have a woman in charge, a woman that demanded respect for her nation. I think we should have a woman in charge of the economy, a woman in charge of the household budget. A woman in charge of what is spent, how and who with.

A woman that knows how to make the budget go a long long way, how to stretch the budget to make sure that everyone in the family is catered for.

We've had a female PM, we haven't had a female chancellor yet, have we? Although there is a female chancellor at our local university. I wouldn't put that little lady in charge of the budget, as flying to and from Australia with a child for 24 hours is certainly not the ideal thing to do.

There are times in your life when you have to be frugal, especially when austerity is enforced upon the poorest in our communities. I do sense that there will be an easing of austerity measures upon the poor, they have no choice because the people are rising up against politics and what the politicians have done and do. They will try to calm the populous, and remember this it was Cameron that predicted a 'bloodbath' on British TV earlier in the month.

Now that is a fact, how did the people feel about that? How do the people feel about the fact that Brussels would like the people in the UK to fund an EU army that it can send against Putin?

Nigel Farage laughed at them for even contemplating the idea. Nigel Farage as my support, I'm for LEAVING the EU. No EU army, no more war.

2,000 years as led to this, decades of spiritual preparation for our people. Now you have to make the right choice for your future.

In this video uploaded today, Gordon Brown the Scotsman talks about globalisation, then Farage and Hannan expose him. As you can see he is laughing, he is fully aware of the state that he left the British economy in, how every child that is born in the UK, is born £20,000 in debt due the 'negative equity' and 'trade deficit'. Yet, he carries on laughing when the truth is presented before him.

Nigel has said that if we came out of the EU, we could build a hospital every week with the cost saving. I've seen other economists say that by 2030 all debt would be paid off with the cost saving.

Of course, if the corporations paid their taxes, it could be paid sooner than that. It also begs the question why did the UK pay to rebuild Germany after WW2? We should demand for that money to come back! Hey Angela Merkel thanks for taking it, but now you can give it all back.

Our country clearly requires it more than Germany does. We require hospitals with the latest technological advances in medical science. Put Britain and its people first in your hearts and let the 'speculators' like Gordon Brown disappear.

Those American 'speculators' have been watching the polls and are making their decisions based upon that. They make me smile, Silversides indeed Chicago, silver is booming. Silly boys, making financial decisions based upon the UK polls. I sense that many of the American 'speculators' will be disappearing.

Not much time left for those that supported and embraced Sharia finance, banking and law. They have a bull in Wall Street, ESAU that sold its inheritance. I can smell hot soup, soup kitchens, time for lunch.

Strawberry Moon, a once in a lifetime occurrence. A selection of pics on the link.

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