
Tuesday 21 June 2016

Strawberry Moon Pics

Strawberry Moon, a once in a lifetime occurrence. A selection of pics on the link.  It reminds me of Strawberry fields forever and there are plenty of strawberry fields in Kent. I don't live far from a strawberry farm, its lovely on that side of the village.

What comes next planetary wise? New Moon on the 4th July, 2016. Independence Day in the USA.

I know people that did work with Tony Robbins that Barbara mentions. The feedback they gave me was that they felt brilliant at the time, but the feeling didn't last. I shared with those people that it goes far beyond thinking, and the inner work as to be done. Its good to count your blessings, although I have many more exercises than that. Inner work is very serious, in Greek 'energia'. A lot of water in the July 4th chart in the presentation above. 

In my experience of the tree of life there is a big difference between emotion and feeling that scientists are beginning to identify. In as much as clairsentience, the sensing, the feeling is very different to emotion that can be triggered by the planetary moon and its tides.

As we know Cancerians tend to move sideways, and they tend to bury themselves in the sand. There are some things that can't be buried, although I do see some 'speculators' disappearing due to them pushing up the costs and prices of homes, vehicles and that which people travel in.

Cancerians do like their homes, protection and security e.g. the man's home is his castle. I think we will see some elements going underground this year due to what is being exposed, especially in America due to the American impact on the UK with its corporations. 

Venus in the love in the heart of integrity in that energy Cancerians feel vulnerable due to their emotions being triggered by the love that can be felt physically, in close proximity. 'Divine love is the food that feeds the soul', although I do like pineapple too and its great for the intestines. 

4th July is the 'Day of Group', in numerics, hence 'group' collective consciousness, Jung knew that people operated in the 'group' although he knew that for people to really make a breakthrough and really grow, they had to go beyond it as individuals. 


Interesting how you often see crabs alone, and although they like family, they also like their alone time. The wondrous woman from heaven as the moon under her feet. The numeric of 12 is the numeric of the Apostles, and it has taken humanity 2,000 years to get to this point in its evolution. Forewarned is always forearmed. I was given the colour blue this morning for the feet, so that will be some interesting healing work. Interesting that blue is also in Barbara's painting, blueberries

I like crab meat, great for Zinc, although fresh crab is very expensive in the UK, and I was discussing that with a fish man recently. So let's hope we have the Brexit vote tomorrow, so that we can get our fisheries back, that would bring down the cost of fish so that more people can afford to buy and eat fish. Did you know that there is an English Cox apple called Jupiter? Jupiter planet of expansion, can you believe it, within days they've raised over £1M on go fund me. It just goes to show that there isn't a lack of money on the planet, its just about what people love and who they love, that's Venus for you.

Do you know what the Malachi prophecies say for this timeline? 

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