
Thursday 2 June 2016


I had two dreams, in the first dream was a young woman that I have known since she was a child, I was blessed to be in her life while she was growing up. That young woman did a degree in psychology, and then went on to become a teacher, a 'Speech Therapist' working with children.

She was on her own in the dream, walking in what looked like parkland or countryside.

I think the speech therapist works in London and the last that I heard she was thinking about doing a Phd, that was prior to when the Conservatives-Liberals increased the fees at universities.

When she was young she liked my son, and I thought about that after the dreams. How they would've made a lovely couple. Both attractive, both intelligent.

I like it one rule, never be ordinary.

Then I had another dream and in the dream there were two men, and they looked like Conservatives. We were in a small conference room that felt and looked like London, and they were discussing the finances. They were writing down figures on paper, and they were justifying a full-scale war, and what they would gain from it financially.

I was 'appalled' at what they were saying and planning, and I gave those two men a righteous mouthful about what they were doing to our people. I also quoted Jeremy Corbyn when he spoke of their 'Cruelty'.

Then the dream ended and I woke up. Its no coincidence that there is American involvement in the 'Cruelty' that Corbyn spoke about, because apparently, the American company 'Maximus' took over from the French company ATOS. A top job was also given to an American in 2013 in the NHS.

Makes you wonder where that word 'Conservative' came from. No coincidence that the term 'Conservative' originates with France, as it was first used in a political context by a Frenchman in 1818. However, British Conservative ideas began with 'Toryism' and it as been traced back to 1660-1688. Toryism supported a hierarchical society with a monarch who ruled by divine right.

'Tories opposed the idea that sovereignty derived from the people, and rejected the authority of parliament and freedom of religion'. 

However, the 'Glorious Revolution' in 1688 'destroyed' their principles and they then went onto establish that sovereignty was vested in three states. The Crown, the Lords, and the Commons.

It is written that 'Fiscal Conservatism' is an economic philosophy of prudence in government spending and debt. Edmund Burke on his 'Reflections on the Revolution in France, argued that 'government does not have the right to run up large debts and then throw the burden onto the people'.  

That's revealing isn't it when the Conservatives have the most expensive government that the country has ever had with Cameron in charge. The Conservatives themselves are a burden upon the people due to the large cost of their administration, that includes the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

'Most Conservatives, especially in the United States, believe that government should concentrate on moral and social questions. They oppose government action to help the poor, to regulate the economy, or to protect the environment. They believe that government programs that seek to provide services, and opportunities for the poor actually encourage dependence, and reduce self-reliance.

They oppose affirmative action, they oppose progressive income tax'.

Interesting that my work at Sure Start, proved that providing services and opportunities for the poor inspired those families to live their dreams of creating a better future for their children. The outcome of the self-development work that was provided was stunning. It increased their self-reliance, it increased their affirmative action to train, they found interest within themselves for a career.

It increased their compassionate actions for themselves, their families and communities. Those families were taking their power back, and some people didn't like how powerful they became. You can't keep good people down Conservatives, not even with your wars against the poorest of the nation.

The great thing is that Jesus supported that there is an inherent goodness in the people when they are willing to look for it within. He spoke of how at first they would become 'troubled', but after they made their breakthroughs, they would become astonished at what they found.

The Gospel of Thomas.

People liberated because they were liberating their love, their lives, and their families due to doing the spiritual inner work. He also said that wisdom would be proven right, and my work at Sure Start did prove what Jesus taught was correct. Those families were given my service, a spiritual teacher, a healer, and facilitator of positive growth and development. They were aware that they had been provided with a wonderful opportunity to make a breakthrough, their love was liberated, with the power of healing in their hands. Reiki healers and a teacher that inspired the poor to transcend their realities with a 'New Empowerment Model' of Spiritual Psychology.

Hence I cannot and could never agree with Conservative policy in regard to the poor. Nor can I ever agree with 'war', for financial reasons. I cannot agree with 'Cruelty', I cannot agree with 'Torture'. I cannot agree with Cameron and his ministers and the way that they are willing to treat human beings.

This healer cannot agree with American Conservatism either, I cannot agree with privatisation of the NHS, I cannot agree with the Conservative plans for more war. I cannot agree with staying in the EU.

I retain my divine authority, I retain my sovereignty and peacefulness, and there is nothing that a Conservative can do about it. Social housing was one of the most positive things that happened in the UK for the people, along with the creation of the NHS. Christian Socialists in the UK, inspired so much that our people will continue to defend. The Son of Joseph was a socialist that believed in the inherent goodness of people, dad embraced goodness and stood up to that which was not.

Dad used to say that the 'Sun shines on the Righteous' and he certainly shone his lovingkindness upon his daughter. He taught his children to hold their heads up bravely and greet people with a smile, and a respectful handshake, he taught equality, work ethics, and to never be afraid.

He taught freedom of speech and the human right to protest the actions of others. He taught compassionate action by example, charitable deeds by example, he led the poor, by being an example of the truth. He put his daughter on his shoulders so that everyone could see, who he had put above his own head, the feminine.

His truth was merciful, yet many stood against him for being love, and putting love above financial return. He was against insurance companies, he was against credit card debt, he believed in saving up for what you would like in cash, his grandson does take after him, although he had to learn it for himself. He was only a little child when he passed over, but he still shakes a person's hand when he greets people with a smile that can light up a room.

The Son of Joseph was against 'war' and against 'nuclear weapons', he was against conservatism, his heart was socialist through and through. He began work at age 13 from a poor family, yet he was a peacemaker, and a justice of the peace that helped as many people as he could during his lifetime.

As Jesus said, 'Blessed are the peacemakers'.

What can Conservatives say about that? The evidence and facts of what poor children have achieved in this country during the generations that came to be! Both his children went into full-time work at the age of 15, worked hard, paid taxes, had their own businesses too during their lives. Both of his children became healers and helped others charitably, what more could you ask for from the children of our nation?

Extraordinary people, do extraordinary things.

People who were successful in more than one career, do politicians have more than one career and make a success of those careers prior to going into politics, how many do, Conservatives? How many were successful without funding from an outside source? How many Conservatives were self-made with the self-initiative to make a start-up happen from nothing?  How many began with their own hard earned cash, and made success happen without inheriting an existing business or company?

I know that my bookkeeper did, I was joyous to watch and her business soar in my presence. All she required was the encouragement to go for it as the opportunities increased. Happy times we shared together, starting out in business together. Of course we could've done without the recession that the Conservatives created, that put extra pressure on everyone.

Although that increased her business as clients were looking to cut their overheads. Right place, right timing. Now our nation has to leave the EU to cut the overheads of it, because our nation cannot afford to pour even more money down the 'EU drain', while there is a huge amount of poverty in our country. Fact of life, we can't afford the 'immigration', we can't sustain the 'immigration', the UK does not have the infrastructure to support the 'immigration'. End of story, end of EU.

And as far as Jeremy Corbyn telling people that they require the EU for workers rights, we had workers rights prior to membership of the EU. In fact we had more workers rights prior to the EU than we have ever had afterwards. It was after we joined the EU that workers rights began to be diminished. That is why the people that are old enough to know what it was like before the EU, all agree we have to leave the EU.

Jesus and Social Issues

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