
Wednesday 1 June 2016


Some people say on-line that 'Jesus didn't come to solve social issues'. My response is this to those people. His way of addressing social issues was to give healing success to his healers and those that they gave healing to; e.g. the poor. By being a spiritual teacher for the poor, he was giving the poor what the rich had access to in the prophet schools that the rabbi's closed down prior to his arrival.

His spiritual community grew due to it being charitable. He also gave people money that had been donated, and asked them to bring him a return on it by proper use of their talents. Jesus invested in the poor to help them to make a breakthrough in their lives; by their fruit you shall know them.

He invested his own skills and talents as a mystic, prophet and healer to help those that required it. As such, those that knew his work then went on to spread the word and work. Jesus was giving people new life and a new way of living it, spiritually. He was bringing forth the true charitable aspects of Judaism, and the best of other spiritual philosophies that were in alignment with it.

So let us share a true story with you that is an example of that. Wisdom helped a person to be successful and did the business plan for that person and continued to give business advice after the business began.

That person also trained in healing Reiki 1 and Reiki II, he made wonderful breakthroughs in his life, and his life completely changed after he did the training in healing.

He had stepped on the healing path, the pathway to enlightenment, and when people do that, extra help is given naturally and divinely.

During his training he was divinely guided towards further study, the next step on his path was ecological. He then invested some of his earnings into learning about eco-living and eco-building.

He also made sure that wisdom received a return on her investment in him and his talents, just as Jesus had spoken about it and it is recorded in scriptures.

Now while the man was on his month-long eco training course, he met a woman from central America that was asking for help for the elders that were reaching old age.

The man in the group that had been blessed with both healing and financial prosperity, a man that had been charitable, then said, OK, let's do it now. He immediately began to raise the money while he was on the training course so that the elders that were poor could make their dream a reality.

He then approached wisdom to help raise the extra money, wisdom more precious than rubies.

I sent out a charitable request for donations for the project internationally, as this was about indigenous heritage and passing the ancient elders building techniques and methodology forward to the next generations.

The project was a genuine good cause so I gave a donation because at that time I could afford to do so, and so did one of my Reiki practitioners. Together we gave £100 and 100 is a numeric that is in the spiritual law that Jesus spoke about. The spiritual law of giving.

Very quickly, the man was able to reach his financial target to pay for the first house to be built, they were planning to build eight altogether. Each house representative of different building techniques of the elders since ancient times.

The money that the elders required to fulfil their purpose and reason for being. A house built upon ancient indigenous principles.

Not only did he did raise the money that the woman asked for, remember what Jesus said, 'Ask and it shall be given'. He also went over to central America for months to help them build it, at his own cost and expense. Hence he also gained the experience of how to build houses like the indigenous elders.

That kind of experience is priceless!

So you can see how Jesus gets a return on his investment in talent and how his charitable works have spread in our spiritual communities. There was no crowd funding website required, there wasn't anyone taking their financial cut out of the donations. The money was directly passed onto the elders that required it, when they required it.

Truly it was ordained for the elders to be helped financially and that can often be for different reasons and sometimes it can be past life karmic connections.

For where would humanity be if it were not for the spiritual elders? Where would humanity be if it were not for the healing and passing the light, love and life forward to the poorest in our communities? Where would humanity be if it were not for our younger members upholding the spiritual elders in their integrity of the heart?

We can be contented with our accomplishments in life, we reached our goal.

Another example is when people have done fundraising for local charities, whereby you can actually see where the money that you have raised is going to help local people. There is nothing like being able to give the cash yourself, compelled to give from the heart of compassion, when you have it to give.

When you don't have any cash to give, then you can just give of yourself, once trained as a healer, the power of the universe is always in your hands, and the power of healing is always with you to help you to help the poor in your communities.

Remember what Jesus said about giving freely, what you have received freely. If you are healthy you can give healing, or you can just give your time to organise and orchestrate events that can raise money for charity that you feel aligned with. Although remember this that the woman did give her last two coins to assist when required.

I went to a local charitable event when asked to help out, and I paid for the wine that I drank, yet the organiser of that event did not. Who was more charitable, compassionate and merciful? There is no comparison because wisdom is beyond compare due to the integrity of the heart. Wisdom knows who is righteous. Tzadikim.

Biblical prophecy spoke of the timeline when we would share the good deeds, so that the people would give glory to the heavenly Father.

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