
Thursday 2 June 2016


'Vit D an essential vitamin required for the absorption of calcium, bone development, immune functioning and alleviation of inflammation'.

Where do I get my Vit D from?


My son buys me smoked salmon as a treat, salmon, and I like marinated herrings provided by Silver Tide. I also like tuna steaks and whitebait on my fish menu. Of course, I do have cod liver oil as a supplement that my mother used to take, although I usually forget to take it. I also like canned mackerel and sardines on toast. Usually have some in the cupboard for when my body is asking for it as a snack.

In recent days I've been inspired to drink fresh orange juice, have oranges for the fruit bowl. For two days I had some homemade carrot and orange soup that I had put into the freezer. Also felt compelled to have mushrooms and mushrooms also have Vit D. I cooked a mushroom and sweet potato curry with indian spices to have with vegetarian meat balls that included lentils and red kidney beans for protein. My son likes to eat raw mushrooms and has done since he was a child.

I also like mushroom omelet with herbs, and you can have that for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

I like eggs for the vital body and sometimes have eggs for breakfast and for extra energy, as the saying goes, go to work on an egg. I like egg mayo sandwiches and salads. Also on the dairy list is goats milk and greek yoghurt. Greek yoghurt with cucumber and mint was served with my mushroom and potato curry. I also like real butter, and have had loads of butter on toast this week with black current jam. Also snacked on toasted cheese sandwiches for some extra calcium.

You can tell if your are low on calcium because your finger nails become soft. That's a clear sign to increase your calcium intake. Although you require Vit K also for the brain to assimilate Vit C and you get that from fresh lemon juice.

Lambs liver is sometimes on my menu, I like it with mash and greens very much. Its so economical and when I can I like to keep a spare in the freezer for when my body fancies it. Liver is also great for  increasing your iron in the body. Chicken livers? Yes, I like chicken livers very much, in garlic, brandy and lots of butter when making chicken liver pate. They are also great with mushrooms and tomatoes with some paprika and onions. Home made pate is so wonderful, that once I begin to eat it, I can't stop until its gone.

Of course you can also make a lentil and mushroom pate that can also be delicious. Smoked mackerel pate, also lovely. So easy to make and great for dinner parties.

Almond milk is recommended for Vit D in the link above, and I make it sometimes from real almonds. Although I like to eat almonds and sometimes have ground almond on a little oats with my seeds that include sunflower, fennel, pumpkin and chia.

Of course I would like to live in a sunny climate, my olive skin was made for it, and my skin condition is eradicated when I live in the sunshine. The ideal would be to spend six months abroad and six months in the UK, now what or who could provide that?

Maybe the LORD will make it possible for me to retire abroad.

I would definitely like to visit Portugal and feel very drawn towards it. Its so many years since I've had a holiday, and I really do deserve it.

Oranges always remind me of Spain, family, and walking in the orange groves. Orange healing oils are also great for massaging into the body after any operative procedure.


It was great to see and drink fresh orange juice when I was in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. 

It reminded me of the divine providence and the teachings that I received from Archangel Michael when we were teaching souls to fly in the Rev 12 timeline. 

 'Self-development is about teaching the soul to fly', it was all about the ascension that we were sharing with our spiritual community and the poor that were brought for help with it. 

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