
Tuesday 28 June 2016


When I woke up this morning my hands were locking up, with pain in my legs, I began to wonder about what to do next, I considered writing a poem to express how a person feels when they experience it and sharing it.

I thought about what I had written in the past regarding a 'life or death' situation, and that we wouldn't be concerned about it until it was so. I wrote yesterday that I can't hang on like this for much longer, the LORD has to take me up again.

Then the heavenly Father spoke, and he said 'Brutal', I agree with him, what governments have done to the people of Europe has been 'Brutal'. Today a response from Nigel Farage to the 'Brutality' of the EU Project. The human consequences have been huge, and it has impacted upon every country in Europe. Now the remain voters have been going after the young leave voters, 'trolling' the youngsters on Facebook, at the same time as the remain people are trying to provide stats to support the view that those that voted remain had degrees. Does an academic degree give you social justice, does it give you healing hands, does it give you the Holy Spirit to save a life? For the Spirit gives Life.

Nigel says that they are in 'denial', they certainly are, in 'denial' of their own 'brutality', due to the odds being stacked against our people. Remember what happened to Greece? 50% of its tourism gone overnight, 50% of its economy gone.

Isaiah 63

In scripture it is written that Jesus said, "Anyone who speaks against the Son of Man will be forgiven,  but anyone that speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or the age to come". Matthew 12:31 

Why is it so important? The Spirit gives life and has given life, for how would I exist if I hadn't overcome and been victorious over 'cancerous cells' as did Nigel Farage. Two people that overcame incredible odds, committed to our people, in merciful and compassionate actions.

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