
Monday 27 June 2016


Prophet Isaiah gave a prophecy about houses. 'They will build houses and dwell in them; they will plant vineyards and eat their fruit. No longer will they build houses and others live in them, or plant and others eat. For as the days of a tree, so will be the days of my people, my chosen ones will long enjoy the work of their hands.' Isaiah 65:21-22

No surprise then to see some news that due to the LEAVE vote; it is impacting upon landlords and one in particular owns over 900 houses. He is now planning on selling those houses that he says that he rented to single-parent mothers, and then immigrants afterwards. He speaks of how his houses were always full because the Eastern European immigrants started arriving around ten years ago.

And they would ask if their friends could move into his houses when they left.

However, it is written that in recent days things have changed, buyers are stalling and pulling out of deals en-mass. He's looking to offload his whole portfolio.

We've known for a long time that a property 'crash' was coming, it was just a matter of when.

Although our locality is quite stable due to the amount of people that move to this location from London. One company mentioned in the Daily Telegraph article mentions that what they are experiencing is 'unprecedented' with 50% of deals collapsing. People are not going to buy are they, if they know that they won't be allowed to stay in the UK. That gives us a lot more houses for our own people, so we won't have to build more than will we?

Today, I received a survey to fill in, and it is asking what the residents would like and what our intentions are. Whether people plan to move out of the parish or stay in it. What kind of property they would like, whether they would like to purchase or have social housing. How big, what type, e.g. flat, house or bungalow.

I began delivering Millennium Prophecies in the 90's at Mind, Body and Soul exhibitions on the circuit of the gentiles, after they had been received.

At that time I hadn't read the prophecies that relate to property in the bible. In fact, I was in such an amazing space and property of my own at that point in time. That was prior to giving it all up, all that my life had, to move abroad to Australia, my son and I returned a year later when our visa had expired.

It was while I was in Australia that Jesus appeared before me and spoke to me. What transpired was then published by a 'trade body' that I was a member of at that time, it was published in the BAPS newsletter for all of their members. The spiritualists.

It was very hard to get sponsorship in Australia to stay at that time. So I am amazed at how many Asian immigrants that Australia now has. Warnings were given to Australia too, when I was in that country, people were warned to move away from the water and shorelines, because the prophecy foretold that the shorelines would be taken by the sea.

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