
Tuesday 28 June 2016

Colours of the Wind

An inspiring song for aspiring artists, time for breakfast. The song reminds me of the Native American artist, Russell Means. I am sure that the vote to leave the EU Project, as been heard about by his people.

Therapeutic healing foods, therapeutic healing sounds, and colours. Yesterday, a person also mentioned flower essence remedies that I used to provide. The last time that I provided a remedy was for a four year old child, and his parents were pleased with it.

I have begun painting again, and have featured some of the most recent paintings by taking a screen shot of them. What I require is sponsorship and charitable giving,  if I am to continue to give freely, because even paint as a cost. I can't hang on for much longer, financially, its a life or death situation, and the required surgery as been postponed until August with a change of surgeon.

So if the blog posts stop suddenly, you will know why. It was four years ago when I shared on my youtube channel that if people didn't make a donation, then there would be no more videos uploaded by yours truly. They didn't believe me, so it came as a surprise to the people when they stopped.

Enabling access costs, whether it is a roof over my head, water in the pipes, energy, and internet. That song reminds me of will and the 'Adopt A Stranger' campaign. It reminds me of the days and nights when he would tap on my door asking for help. The days and nights when I gave him what food I had to spare, what money I could, when he asked, until his money came through.

I often wonder how he is getting on now that he has moved. I also wonder how the man that gave the music for this video is, he lived in the next county, and its such a long time since we have spoken to each other. He came into my life during the Rev 12 timeline, so many of us were in the same location at the same time and some of the people have passed over since that time. People from all over the world, from America to Australia.

If you are experiencing any difficulties in your life, its good to remember the happy times that you have shared with others - as it lifts your Spirit. I count my blessings that I can see, hear, breathe, eat and type.

I count my blessings that I can write this to you. I count my blessings that the heavenly Father speaks  and that I often feel the awesome power of the love of his Son with me. When he arrives, a huge wave of love washes over me, and its so hot, like having a hot shower. It was like that, the night that the votes were coming in for LEAVING in the referendum.

When the voting results in certain areas were coming in, the love was awesome. It was all happening so fast, so many different locations, and the people voted with their hearts. It was a choice of 'Brutal EU Project -v- Spirit of Mercy' for our people, a charitable response to defend our people, and Zion defends. As it is written salvation is at the gates of Zion. Even in times of financial difficulties in your life, you can still retain the peace in heart. Once attained the peace is always with you.

Colleagues that I once knew moved abroad, more loved ones are moving in this timeline this year.

Its very much about 'the last will be first and the first will be last in 2016'. I was one of the first of my colleagues to move abroad, and being brought back was to help more people like Will. My gran and my mother always used to say, 'Where there is a will, there is always a way'. William, may he always keep the peace that we shared when he was in my home. May he remember our time together fondly, the mercy and compassionate actions. May he always be blessed to play a musical instrument, and write his songs for those he sings too.

My breakfast today is yoghurt and blueberries for my manganese, an essential nutrient given by the heavenly Father, a nutrient that is essential for boosting the collagen in your body. Eat little and often when you can, also introduce nutrient and healing foods to the people that are brought into your life.

For the Spirit gives life.

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