
Tuesday 24 May 2016


We have the combination of a 'Bedroom Tax' in the UK, that the courts of the land have judged to be 'Illegal'. As Jeremy Corbyn so rightly said, the 'Bedroom tax' is 'cruel', 'unjust' and 'illegal'. It is also a 'discriminatory' tax, 'discrimination' against the poorest of the nation and those people that live in social housing. They took bedrooms away from the children, and that is also in 'contravention' of the Human Rights of the Child'.

On top of that we have an NHS that takes too long to reach a diagnosis for people and their health, as shared by Nigel Farage, he had to get a second opinion to get an accurate diagnosis. Great if you can afford to go private to get a second opinion, of course, most can't afford to do so.

As shared with you, British filmmaker, Ken Loach won the Palme d'Or film award in Cannes for his social justice film on the 'cruelty' of the current welfare system. The film is called, 'I Daniel Blake'.

In addition, if an unemployed or disabled person is cut off from receiving financial help from the state due to their sanctions, those people then cannot receive dental care, and are sent penalty charges amounting to £100 that the NHS are asking to be paid. 

Then there is OAP's that are having to pay for teeth cleaning and if they have to have that every four months, that is costing those OAPs in the region of £12-£15 a month from their pensions. Once upon a time teeth cleaning was included in the treatment given by the dentists. However, that was prior to the Asians taking over the dental health profession. So they give to the pensioners with one hand, and take it back with the other. 

The same with the 'bedroom tax', giving social housing with one hand and removing it with the other hand. The morality in the UK has to be transformed; due to the poorest of the nation finding themselves having decisions made about their lives by anonymous decisions makers in offices that treat each case as a statistic to meet targets imposed by Cameron and his team of ministers. 

Its not surprising is it that the health of the nations teeth is decreasing, with the health of the nation, that is not served appropriately by the welfare state that was originally provided to help those that most require it. There was a time when the parish councils were responsible for the health and prosperity of its residents; and that was replaced by bureaucrats, pen pushers, and administrators that do not put the health of our nation first. 

GP's appear to be 'helpless' at helping their patients with the appropriate measures fast enough to decrease the 'ill-health' of the nation. On which the financial support has a huge impact on people's lives, health, and ability to afford the appropriate nutrients and healthcare.


Cameron's big society means that the 'rich get richer on the backs of the poor', and they wonder why 'violence' is increasing vastly in the UK. Even welfare claimants are tax payers, because there is tax on nearly everything.

You can only put the screws onto the people for so long, eventually, the nation is on fire, due to what the Conservatives have done to the people. Hence what happened in 2011, when a man was 'murdered' by the police force. People say that the Christians are decreasing in the UK, where would the food banks be without the Christians in the UK? 

'Be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves'. Romans 12:10 

The fact is that the rich don't care about you. Michael Jackson was correct. For if they did care about you, they would've have done their utmost to help the poorest of the nation and nurture the love within the people. They would have financed the healers to help the poor and their health as commanded.

I was only young when I was taught that they would 'love their money more than they loved me', one of the best things a Jewish man taught me about love, and I always remembered it. 

At least I can say that my son loves me more than ever, and that I am more important to him than any wages he could ever earn. I'm sure that his grandparents are pleased with his merciful and compassionate actions, they know how generous their daughter was to anyone and everyone that was brought into my life, and the generous that refresh others are refreshed.

If you are there for your children when they are 'unemployed', they will be there for you if you require their help. They do grow and they remember everything that you have done for them.

If you give to your children with all of your heart of compassion, they will give to you from their hearts of compassion. So important to turn your hearts to the children, so that they can turn their hearts to you.

'A generous person will prosper, whoever refreshes others will be refreshed'. Proverbs 11:25 

My son refreshes me with his loving kindness, and so too did some other people that were brought into my life. 

'The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and the one that is wise saves lives'. Proverbs 11:30

In 2014, I painted a tree of life for a child. When I paint for a child I just allow the paint to spread and allow the painting to show me what it would like to manifest in life for the child. I saw the branches and all of the green leaves as all of the friends that the child will manifest in their life on the planet.

I saw the child as the sunshine of the families life, the sunshine of its friends lives, and its connection with nature and the natural world.

The righteous do it all for love for it is in real love that there is life that saves lives.

As the heavenly Father said, 'Your love is as tall as a tree, and as deep as the ocean'.

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