
Monday 23 May 2016

11.30 Message

In recent years I've received three mysterious phone calls with the same text message spoken. Today, at 11.30AM I received the third with the same message 'Goodbye'. These messages usually arrive after I have written something on-line that is poignant. Although the first text message that I received was in 2011 prior to the 'goodbye' messages. The message received in 2011 was asking me to make a documentary on the physics. When I tracked that number it was a Jersey number.

23rd May, 2016 is the 'Day of Attention', in numerics, so for sure someone is trying to get my attention.

May is also a special time as it is the anniversary of the first mission to Israel in 2006. 

In fact on the 23rd May, I was still in Israel, 
and it was around that time that I took the journey south.
 from the Sea of Galilee to Ein Gedi.
In 2006, I was in Israel for three weeks,
and a comet was exploding during the duration.

Israel always in my heart. 

So any relevance to the timing of the message?

1130 is the Jewish gematria for 'My mission here on earth'. 

and 'WORD OF LIFE'. 

Isaiah 11 is about the branch of Jesse and there is a Jesse fresco in the Vatican.

This May I was also in bed for eleven days,
 and eleven days is mentioned in Deuteronomy. 

'A generous person will prosper,
whoever refreshes others will be refreshed' Proverbs 11:25

'The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,
and the one that is wise saves lives' Proverbs 11:30

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