
Tuesday 24 May 2016


Another article from the Guardian about teenager girls self-poisoning. Clearly the result of poverty in the most deprived areas combined with the extra pressure of the social engineering of children to meet the demands of the corporations in education. Not all children are academic, and not all children wish to be academic.

Many of the most deprived areas of the country also just happen to be the most Islamic, and that's enough to make anyone 'depressed' and 'suicidal' when the children see what is happening to their country.

Its not about the cost of alcohol, alcohol is the most expensive that it has ever been. However, its not just about alcohol is it? When many of the youth have been prescribed with 'anti-depressants' that have been proven to co-create 'suicidal' tendencies. Many spiritual people were warning people about this in the 90's, due to the drugs that were being given to children.

I remember the eight year old that they had put on Ritalin, and when I asked why he drank all of his flower essences down in one go. He replied, that he wished to be a good boy, and not take Ritalin anymore.

Will the medics take responsibility for what they have done by dishing out pharmaceuticals to children? Will the media take responsibility and put the responsibility where it should be placed?

Or will they continue to say that it is the children that have 'mental health' issues? Issues that the medics helped to co-create.

How do you expect children to respond to the society that the corporations have co-created? The other research that was featured recently was that children are the 'unhappiest' that they have been since Victorian times. That is because poverty is the highest that it has been for decades, all helped by Cameron and his austerity measures.

Do you honestly think that you can create poverty for parents and it not impact upon the lives of the children? The level of the suffering of the parents manifests in their children. It was proven that if you wish to help the children, then you have to help the parents.

The high cost of immigration that has impacted upon the indigenous population to such an extent, that there is article after article on the results of it upon our nation.

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