
Saturday 14 May 2016


Its eight days now and I am still recovering from what's happened to me. Last night I ate half a banana and most of it came back up again. Its taking such a long time for recovery, and I am getting as much fresh air as I can with my bedroom window open. 

It felt like it was dawn when I had a lovely dream of ELLA. I was in a small space in a small house, the small spaces that I was moving through were all aged with the paintwork that had gone yellow. I knew instinctively and intuitively that ELLA was in this building. 

So I asked where is Ella, where is Ella? When I arrived at the top of the stairs, ELLA was waiting in a large room. There were candles, musical instruments, and people meditating, it was a spiritual reality a few women sitting on the carpet in their own space. There was a lot of sunlight in the room, so I could see why Ella had chosen this building. 

As ELLA held me in her arms she cried her heart out, and I just kept on hugging her and allowed her to release her tears in the arms of love. 

Afterwards she said, 'We are going together'. 'You can sit there, and I can sit there' and she was happy. 

It was a spiritual reality that we were going to be involved in together, that was the choice that she had made in the end, and she was so happy to see me again. This is about the third dream that I have had of Ella. I first saw her light of love in the auction rooms in the 80's prior to the birth of my son, and afterwards she moved next door with her two sons. After she bought our house our lives took us in different directions. Yet, we are united in dream state in the light of love on the spiritual plane, the love that connects people together on the highest vibration of real love experienced and known.

Ella was by my side throughout the pregnancy, truly and angel of love that did her best to help the new mother whenever she could. Ella always in my heart with such happy memories of sharing together. 

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