
Friday 13 May 2016

ALELPH Message

A week has gone by and I am still resting, sleeping and regenerating, can still only drink a little, and my lips are still peeling.

Internal skin still healing, still very sensitive, and my nervous system as taken a battering, so yesterday I took one St John's Wort, hoping that will assist to lift the 'chronic fatigue'. 

Medics and the NHS are promoting an American philosophy that they learn from their 'mistakes', and they even have the audacity to print that in local newspapers, when they have to apologise to patients. 

That is different to how healers learn, healers learn from our successes that is why we heal together on our training courses, we learn from all the positives that we have achieved, all the miracles that came to be, all the love that we had to give and receive. 

This afternoon I was going to have a little oats with coconut, fennel and pumpkin seeds with yoghurt. 

Then I suddenly felt my temperature rising, so I knew that I couldn't have that today.  So I put it in the fridge for another day and went back to bed with hands on Reiki. 

When I woke up, the heavenly Father spoke and he said, 'Aleph'. 

Then when I got up I found that my son had brought me some brown bread and bananas, bananas are for B6.

What I have noticed in recent days is that my sense of smell has heightened incredibly towards anything that is 'toxic', even soap powder smells highly 'toxic'.  Can't go near it as its making me reach.

In the BBC news there has been a massive fire at a 'tyre dump' near Madrid, and people are having to evacuate the 'toxic fumes'. The locals think it was started on purpose, and the way things are going, we will all be covering our mouths and noses.

Anything else about this weekend? It is the anniversary of the first mission to Israel in May 2006, I will have to celebrate it in dream state this year. I've managed to eat half a banana and now I am going back to bed. 

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