
Sunday 15 May 2016


I had already informed the medics that my body does not like Naproxen and to flag it on my medical records as a definite no.

When I was called to the surgery about a right jaw and ear infection, there was a stand-in GP. I was so out of it with the pain that I was enduring I just didn't look at what he had given a prescription for. I even dosed off in the surgery waiting room, drifting into and out of consciousness.

9 days ago, I had some pain in the left jaw, I took 1 Augmentin 625, and 1 Naproxen 250, without even really looking at what I was taking. Serious pain can take you out of your conscious awareness and concentration of what you are doing and what you are taking.

As soon as those two tablets were taken I became ill and by the 3rd day I called out the paramedics.

The paramedics did all of the tests and kept on saying that there hadn't been an 'allergic reaction'.

They noted that my tongue was white and that was due to too much Vit C. I shared that my lips had peeled just before they arrived, they didn't seem to be concerned about that.

Afterwards I checked on-line and I found a medical text book that cited that peeling lips is due to a B6 deficiency. It can also be sign of diabetes, RA, and Sjogren's. However, it is important to note that these drugs impact on your collagen and the nutrients in your body, they impact upon your skin and these drugs strip the layers of skin and leave your internal body raw. That is why the body responds the way that it does.

In this video a man shares his experience of Naproxen and how he was taken into hospital for a blood transfusion due the internal bleeding that he experienced. This man says that he nearly died, and he would've died; if he hadn't been given urgent hospital treatment.

There is no 'antidote' for these drugs and during the last 9 days all I can keep inside me is a spoonful of yoghurt. I can't even drink a little milk without it coming back up again. I tried that last night.

My only relief as been my hands on Reiki healing, and healing oils, including coconut oil that has aided my sleep and rest. Does it remind you of what Jesus said about the believers?

'He who believes and is baptised shall be saved, and he who does not believe shall be condemned'.

'If they should drink any poison of death, it will not harm them; and they will lay their hands on the sick and heal them'. So these passages in Mark 16 are clearly talking about the healers that heal, of course he would give his healers the means to overcome such realities.

Some people are dying due to these drugs that can kill, and they are giving these drugs to children.

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