
Wednesday 18 May 2016

Dr McDougall RA Interview

Medical doctor Dr McDougall found that the health of his patients were not improving while he was working in the Philippines. He also noticed that the obvious commonality in his patients was that 3-4 generations had more health issues than the first and second generation due to the changes in diet.

The more that the generations moved away from their natural indigenous diet into a modern Western diet, the more disease there was. At that point he moved into the research study and investigation of what he calls 'dietary diseases'.

The interview is important for people with RA to listen to, although what he is saying can impact on all health, and most health conditions. I still maintain that RA and other forms of arthritis is triggered by physical trauma and there is scientific evidence to support it.

So for instance I was just reading about a woman that was diagnosed with RA after her third c-section.

However, it is clear that food can be healing and food does heal if a person as the appropriate nutritional diet for their health conditions. I began getting into foods for healing research in the 90's.

We had a very balanced diet when I was growing up, all home cooked food, and when mum cooked rice when making a curry, she also boiled the rice in turmeric.

In my own research I also discovered that people with diabetes, RA and Sjogren's, have been found to have a B6 deficiency and that can indicate a requirement for meat. One of the vegans also found that he had to start drinking goats milk to help his back. So even for vegans, balance is very important, the body does require animal fats.

Dr McDougall shares with us that the Chinese now have a huge increase in health conditions, conditions that they didn't have prior to the change in their diets to a more Western diet.

He also says that most doctors don't take personal responsibility, they just follow the medical model that serves the pharmaceutical companies. That we certainly know!

Check this out and what happened at the American Obesity Conference.

Obesity isn't just about food, there is a much bigger picture. The food is the symptom in the case of obesity of a complex inner cause that usually stems from childhood. With over 70% of people in America that have either been 'bullied' in the home, relationships and or workplace, you begin to see how big the inner cause is in America.

There is also another reality, I witnessed a case of child obesity in my youth. The baby that was rarely satisfied after two large breasts full of milk fed every three hours. The child that demanded that they had two of everything, one drink wasn't enough, the child demanded a drink in both hands at the same time from its parents. A very demanding child and that was clearly due to the disposition that the child was born with. It could even be a past life situation whereby the child passed over due to 'starvation'.

However, what I also discovered is that person had another soul in its auric fields, as in its twin, and it didn't only impact upon what that person ate or how much they ate. It also impacted upon their behaviour, like two different people.

When a mother becomes pregnant there is usually two foetus and one of the babies usually leaves prior to eleven weeks. However, in some cases, the soul of the second child stays 'attached' until such time as it is released and sent to the light. So you could view it that the baby that couldn't get enough was actually in the mode of feeding two, not one. Those children then become 'compulsive' eaters until they grow up and come to the conclusion that something seriously as to be looked at.

It is known that the second soul can cause havoc due to them wishing to be released to go to the light. Solving such a situation is a very specialist area of healing work, that spiritualists in the spiritualist church used to be trained in extensively. However, at Stansted College they also found that 10% of mediums are trained directly by the divine, and that only 10% of clairvoyants actually see Spirit.

So we can begin the healing journey with healing foods and nutrition when looking at a persons health conditions. After that we then move onto the next levels of what is involved to address what might have to be addressed. Its a process of elimination, when we are looking at the causes, stripping back the layers, a layer at a time, until we finally resolve it.

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