
Tuesday 17 May 2016


While I was laying down I began to see a funeral car and someone was being taken out of the car. I couldn't see the coffin because it was covered in multi-coloured garlands with a lot of white in it. It was a covering of flower power and its colour reminded me of Indian funerals, but most of all it reminded me of Sgt Pepper.

The funeral had become a celebration of flower power and its love, and people were dressed like sergeant pepper album cover in multi-colours. After I saw it, I then saw another one afterwards and it looked beautiful.


Original artwork size A4. 

The impression that I received from it is that funerals will change, indicating that it is the end or an era for many people, yet the flower power message will be carried on in different ways to the next generations. Its an era of life, love, colour, and culture that can never be forgotten.

Due to the sheer impact that it had on the evolution of consciousness and growth of spirituality in many countries. The power of the incense, the power of its fragrance, the sheer power of its love beyond measure that influenced so many generations with its joyfulness of the heart. We wore bells on our toes and flowers in our hair in our celebration of the youth of life. We did it all for love.

UPDATE: I am delighted to share that I was able to eat my first proper meal again, the first time in eleven days. My body was ready to accept the rice with egg, a little meat, chicken and prawns. I am feeling so much better today. Interesting that the numeric of eleven days was mentioned by Moses.


  1. Shami Chakrabati when she spoke of her parents.

  2. Born in 1969, definitely flower power. Lady Liberty Shami Chakrabati
