
Wednesday 18 May 2016


A woman that had her teeth removed and numerous operative procedure then finds herself with arthritis. So what would your response be to a person whose body had suffered so very much?

Surgery impacts on neurones. So there is a lot of work to do inside and outside. She has to give her inner bodily system all of the support and help she can with the appropriate healing foods. The mother also has to receive healing oils on the outside of her body. I recommend Reiki healing with Aromatherapy for her on a regular basis. I also recommend Reiki healing training courses for everyone with any physical health condition. As it helps people to take their power back an enables people to give healing to the self in a positive and loving way.

After surgery the tissues hold on to the memory of pain until it is released from the body by bodywork and the healing oils help the body to heal and release the memories that the body inholding onto. Its incredible how long the body holds onto memories. I discovered in one case that the body had held onto the memories of surgery for over 35+ years before it was ready to release it.

With the healing oils I would start a person off with lavender and geranium in a massage oil, like almond oil, to help the body to assimilate the healing that she gives it. It is also wonderful for helping the physical body to relax completely into the healing journey. A few drops can be put into the bath too.

If such a person can eat nuts, then I would give her almonds, walnuts and brazils, although I would have to give her a thorough check due to her other health conditions that brought about the fact that she had to have surgeries. For snacking, I would recommend juicy fruits, sultanas, dates, apricots and berries. For breakfast I sometimes have some fennel seeds with it, although you could try taking some prior to bed.

Arthritis is triggered by physical trauma, it is a physical post-trauma health condition due to what happened to the physical body so you have to feed the neurones. Begin by examining the existing diet to improve it. Make sure that you follow the instructions of the heavenly Father, and have manganese for boosting the collagen in the body, in a balanced diet that is tailored to your health conditions.

Depending on the age of a person it can also indicate that there are other deficiencies so the whole person has to be reviewed not just what they eat. If a person has any dental treatment don't eat broccoli or cauliflower.

If a person had operative procedure recently, then I would use the oil or oils that the heavenly Father has recommended specifically for it. Some healing oils are very expensive as the followers of Jesus discovered, and that is one of the reasons why he was asking for his healers to be funded by the wealthy.

So for instance, yesterday I looked at the cost of an healing oil and it was over £16 for a small bottle of it. There are costs involved with this healing work, when I worked with a serious Crohn's case my expenses were £18 plus the cost of food. It wasn't just about the oils, it was everything else that was required for a specific purpose and that included the divinely instructed healing colour that the woman had to be wrapped in for the healing treatment.

So what I do now is ask a person to invest in the oil/s that they most require for their current health condition if and when they can afford it. It also helps those people to truly engage with the healing work that they become involved in, when they start to heal themselves on a new level when they work with yours truly, divinely.

When I was working at Sure Start as a consultant, and designed a new empowerment model for the families. I ensured that Aromatherapy was one of the healing therapies that they could choose from to support the healing and self-development work that I was doing with those men and women. They also had one-one to access to me 24/7 if they ever required it, and I also provided flower essence remedies as required for both parents and children.

We saw each other alternative weeks for two hours, and the weeks in-between they could choose to receive a complimentary medicine therapy from the three therapies that I originally proposed for the new empowerment model.

Those families were also given Reiki healing training courses, provided by yours truly. They were so appreciative of the opportunity that they had been given by Sure Start, and they said, that they felt like the light had gone on for the very first time. It was truly wonderful to see those parents so happy and to witness the changes in them during the six months that we worked together in self-disclosure.

The outcome was stunning, and it was all provided to them with any books or supporting material that they may require for their individual and unique cases. They all received copies of my meditation healing CD's and also a copy of a book that I had written myself about my own journey to empowerment. The new empowerment model was tailor made for a specific purpose, and it was a great launch pad for Spiritual Psychology. It also proved that those families can manifest their dreams and Jesus said, wisdom will be proven right.

What those families required was the appropriate hand of help with the voice of life experience. Hand in hand, side by side, we did it together in the power of magnanimous love.

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