
Sunday 3 April 2016

Millie Fontana on Same-Sex Parenting

A brave young girl that grew up in a same-sex parented relationship speaks her truth about what it was like for her growing up. All the difficulties that she has had to work through. Listen to what she has to say as she speaks from her heart.

It was clear that the day would come when the children would speak up about their feelings about it and what it was like them growing up in a same-sex marriage.

Millie shares with you that she was 'depressed', 'suicidal' and 'homeless', she says that she had an 'identity crisis', and wished to know where she came from and who she was.

She had so many questions prior to finding a family member that could show her the love that she was searching for. In the 2nd video, Millie shares that when she was allowed to meet her dad at eleven years old, that was the happiest day of her life.

Her weight as also gone on and it looks like she is comfort eating, which would be a natural response to what she has experienced during her life. Sharing her truth is an important aspect of her healing journey, but what she has experienced will impact on her whole life, not just her childhood.

Millie is correct when she explains that child rearing is a lot of responsibility, and it requires responsible parents to engage in it - and bring up children appropriately. Another reason why I shared with single-parent mums, due to the sheer immensity of the responsibility of bringing up a child/children.

Voice 4 Kids Summit 

Parliament, Canberra. 

Child Rights Advocate

Parenting a child is for life, children are not designer babies, like buying clothes that change with the seasons. Children require real love, and parents that put children first. Millie has two younger brothers, so it is three children that her parents have impacted upon. At least her brothers have their older sister to turn to for help as she paves the way for other young adults. 

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