
Sunday 3 April 2016

Black Lace Dream

I had a strange dream, I was wearing a dress and the dress was being cut up and it was short and I didn't like what the person had done to the dress. Then material was added to the dress and the dress had been transformed. The dress was completely lace in black and it was long. it was lovely. I was going to a funeral in a long black lace dress.

In the next cameo I was in a location where people were together, and people that I knew. My ex-husband was there and we spoke. I told him that I had been to a funeral and that is why I was dressed as I was. I asked him how his family were, and he spoke of his brother Michael. We kissed each other before I left.

Then I was in a shop and an Asian man was working there, it was a small corner shop, a small business.

In the dream I was concerned whether I could afford to buy what I required that day, the man knew that I was being frugal, and the cost was £9 something. I did have enough to pay for it.

In dream interpretation to dream of going to a funeral is a dream of contrary and it signifies a happy celebration. No coincidence then that I arrived at a happy celebration in the dream after the funeral.

Interesting that Kate wore a black lace dress on Remembrance Day with a red poppy in remembrance of the veterans.

To dream of wearing lace signifies unusual popularity with the opposite sex and/or success in love relationships. To dream of being in a shop buying can predict 'financial problems' which can be overcome with self-restraint. Wearing black at a funeral can also indicate difficulties to be overcome.

David Cameron has introduced more paperwork for small business people, and they now have to provide financial figures every three months. Although traditionally VAT was done every three months.

Small businesses don't only have to pay VAT every three months, they also have to pay tax on profit every three months, and that seriously does impact on cashflow and the ability to move, as it removes flexibility from the small business and constricts the business. They made business people into tax collectors for the state, and whatever business you are in you are a tax collector.

What Cameron as done will bring money into the treasury more quickly, but it will have a detrimental impact on small and medium sized businesses and their ability to grow their business due to cashflow.

Cashflow is incredibly important when running a small business, especially in the first two years while it is being established. If you start your own business, a great local businessman gave me some brilliant advice. Don't lease anything, not property, car's, or equipment, keep your overheads to a minimum. Stay fluid and keep your ability to move as the business grows, and that is exactly what I had done.

Thank you Ronnie Lancaster, you were such a wonderful blessing in my life, confirming that what I had done was correct! It was due to it that I was one of the business people that made it through the recession in the 90's.

Cameron's short term financial policies, will have a medium to long time impact on small business that will then bring in less money going to the treasury. Also when there is an economic crisis in families, that then impacts on their expenditure that brings less money into the shops and the treasury. Another reason why the FSB members are predicting a decline and are not employing in the foreseeable future.

It makes you wonder whether those that are making the economic decisions in government, have actually ever run a successful small business, because if they had, they wouldn't have brought in austerity measures that impacts on the economy and the health of the nation that impacts on the NHS.

I read last night that in 2010, they were already in the process of abolishing the primary health care trusts and replacing them with private contractors, private contractors that have connections with the BT group. Phone lines are costing people a lot of money when they phone those private contractors for help for their families.

As far as the DWP is concerned, people are now customers, not clients or patients that DWP serve.

NHS Healthcare is not a shop, nor is it a funeral parlour. Doctors have patients and complimentary medicine therapists have clients. National Health Service means exactly that, its national, and its for health, and it is meant to serve its patients not private contractors

The clinical commissioning groups (CCG) are talking about health in terms of a market and patients that require healthcare have become their new market of customers. One might ask where is the vision for the 21st century for the very best health service in the world?

Included in the private contractors proposals for front line services they have also indicated that the cash that they will be handing out will include going to volunteer groups. The way things are going, the whole of the NHS will be privatised and run by volunteers. We are talking about multi-million pound contracts, of public money given to front line services that people have already complained about. What choice do GP's have when their practices keep on receiving feedback from their patients that are that not happy about the services and the people that are offering those services?

Tiers and tiers of administration from CCG, to private contractors, and those that administer the volunteer groups. Three tiers of administration outside of the traditional NHS. Is it any wonder that people are dying due to NHS services? It was also discovered that the CEO of the local council was involved, and a councillor from the county council is involved in the region's CCG.

As far as the volunteers are concerned, there is 1.4 million 'unemployed' people in the UK, that have been forced to work in 'slave labour'. It is coercion of the workforce, at a time when administrators are getting paid a lot of money to distribute funding and provide front line services that are not only insufficient, they are a catastrophe for the patients themselves because they're not getting the help that they require fast enough.

To dream of spending money prophesies an unexpected profit and the Asian man was being given the money in the dream. No coincidence then that the local services for the NHS cancer department will have to answer to the Midlands as recorded in their on-line information about the private contractors.

The numeric in the dream was 9 something, and 9 is the numeric of completion. Its like going to the funeral of the NHS as we once knew it, of course closures have been involved of front line services. Amenities and facilities have been closed down while the people are dying in the hands of the welfare state that is being dismantled.

The only reason that I was able to go to the funeral was because I survived what has happened to it and that is why I am able to share what I do. As I wrote, 'they can't kill us all'.

I went to dad's funeral in the 80's, the Son of Joseph. However it was in the 90's that they began to put their plans into action as in the 80's they recognised the huge increase in the amount of people going to complimentary medicine therapists. Not only were people that could afford it going to complimentary medicine therapists, healers and workshop leaders, but they were going more often than they were visiting their GP's.

That's when the BMA and GMC began to get concerned because they no longer had control of the whole population and its health, and they thought that there jobs would be at stake because there were more CM therapists than doctors.

Especially when they could see that more and more doctors were becoming more and more holistic and nurses were leaving the profession and going into complimentary medicine. However, they didn't take into account the huge population explosion that was coming upon the nation.

I smiled when I was at a Science and Consciousness conference - a doctor who was training medical students to become doctors shared that when the students began medical college they were bringing crystals to their exams and asking why they weren't being taught about complimentary medicine.

After the year 2,000, a new generation of young people emerged, and many of them had grown up in homes where complimentary medicine is the norm and a natural aspect of their lives.

I remember one of the exhibition in the 90's, whereby 13 people from the BMA came to a Mind, Body and Soul exhibition together where I was at that time. The healers and complimentary medicine therapists and facilitators were amused by their interest in what was happening with the people in health. People that could afford the best there was to offer the people at that time - and the love that we shared was awesome.

What CM therapists and healers actually did was alleviate and relieve the NHS by helping those that could afford to be helped at the earliest opportunity, and were willing to enlist the help of individuals that would put their health first by giving clients the time, compassion and love that was required to be effective.

In the 80's I didn't take their 'pharmaceutical drugs' that the 'pill pushers' asked me to take - and those facilities have since gone in that location and it looks to me that this privatisation of the NHS has been planned since the 80's. In fact, it is longer than even that, because originally the welfare state was meant to replace the local parishes poor man laws, whereby the rich in the local parish had to look after the poor and disabled.

Now the rich are hoping that volunteers and charities will fill the 'austerity gaps' as they call it. When in fact the people involved in the 'Third Sector' as they've called it, were not created to fill any gaps in austerity that rich people have inflicted upon the poorest of the nation.

The Brown government spent a large amount of money on research trying to understand the people in the 'Third Sector' that includes NGO's and what motivates people that are not interested in profit for the sake of it. People that put their own health and the health of others first, that's why they became healers, they were compelled by their hearts to become miracle workers.

NGO's and individuals that mostly have no private or public sector involvements and that is why the largest NGO's like Amnesty International were infiltrated. Just like the NHS has been infiltrated to deconstruct it until there is nothing left of it - and everything is privatised or gone completely.

I am not surprised that a healing centre that changed from being spiritual, and aligned itself with the NHS as now gone. Sad, but true, I did try to warn those therapists years in advance, but they wouldn't listen to wisdom.

David Cameron did not provide real jobs, with real salaries with real pensions and real people of integrity cannot be controlled by the private or public sectors. Human rights activists refuse to give their talents and expertise to be exploited by the governments that tax the people to the hilt and provide almost nothing in return for their taxes.

There is too many different stakeholders involved with the budgets of the nation and that is incredibly serious when the health of the nation is on those stakes.

So what people are actually witnessing is a dismantling of the welfare state and it is a very high cost for the health of the nation, and the hearts that are true and care fully, compassionately, and mercifully for the people.

Yes, the people are bereaved due to what they've done to the NHS. Healers that are miracle workers will not volunteer to prop it or its services up, only equality is acceptable and that means paid jobs with pensions and holiday pay.

That is what the spiritual freedom campaign was all about, recognition and acceptance of spiritual people that provide the solutions for health at the earliest opportunity. Wisdom's advice to the spiritual and CM therapists was not to volunteer within the NHS - it is equality for the healers or they get nothing. It is paid work or we do not offer our services that provide solutions to those that are being paid high salaries.

Yes we help the poor when they are brought to our door for help by God, we do not turn away from our flesh and blood when they come asking for help.

Salaries have not increased in real terms since the late 1980's, and if I was paid what I was earning in 1980, taking inflation into account, they would have to pay me £130,000. How many employed jobs are paying that rate of annual pay?

Saving lives is important isn't it, how much are you willing to pay for someone to save your life and the lives of your families. Its OK for rich families isn't it, they can afford to pay the highest medical salaries. They can afford to fly anywhere in the world for treatment, what about the rest of the people that can't? What about the people that don't have a choice?

I can assure you that if I could afford it - I would be going for private treatment and have nothing to do with the NHS private contracting services.

They speak of giving patients a choice. Yet there is no choice given. You require transport to have a choice of hospital to get to the different locations. Poor people and some of the elderly can't afford cars or transport so they have no choice. Of course, those with cars do not take that into consideration, do they? They think that people can get 20-30 miles away to receive treatment, seriously, what planet are they on?

To kiss someone in a dream depends on the nature of the kiss. If the kissing between you was pleasant, proper, and a sincere token of affection, It predicts happiness and contentment. Healers do a lot of kissing and hugging, we can kiss and hug with love in our hearts in pure intention.

My advice to the patients send your reality checks to the BMA and GMC with copies to DWP, let them receive the reality checks in sacks upon sacks. Until their offices are filled with reality checks. You could also send copies to your parish councils, and to the CCG. When they privatise state industries, it always has a much higher cost, a cost that the people find hard to afford.

Just look at what happened to the energy companies, water companies, telecommunications and transport. People can't afford to live anymore, hence the increase in suicides. Even young doctors have taken their own lives due to what is happening to the NHS. After I married my husband I went to an NHS wedding of two doctors, and now its the NHS funeral that I went to alone. How life changes over the decades.

My son just arrived and he bought me some fresh blueberries for my collagen and neurones, and he mentioned how expensive they are for what you get. I shared that we can get a bag of frozen blueberries, they freeze good, and they are more economical. He was pleased about that.

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