
Saturday 2 April 2016

Jean Charles de Menezes RIP

The Brazilian, Jean Charles de Menezes was killed at London's Stockwell Tube in 2005, by the British police force, the family of Jean had this young man taken from and 'denied justice'.


He was a young 27 year-old electrician. Catastrophe, after catastrophe by the police force and the Met admitted it was 'catastrophic'. Apparently, the police officers said that they acted in self-defence. How can that be true when an innocent man was walking at a station and then gunned down by police?

They didn't only shoot him once, they shot him seven times in the head, they were really making sure that whoever they thought they were shooting would not make it to a trial. Its a 'shoot-to-kill' policy that has been happening in the UK.

This comes at a time when the British police force are going to have an increase of 1,500 fire-arms officers. We all remember what happened to Mark Duggan and what that co-created in the UK in 2011.

How many more innocent people have to 'die' in the hands of the police force and army?

The law is justifying 'shoot-to-kill', and 'violence begets more violence', the never ending cycle and 'violence vexes the Spirit of God'.

What does it say about the abilities of the forces when they can't even capture people without 'killing' them? The army refused to discuss the cases (in this video below) with the investigative journalists of the television Panorama team.

When the police or army 'execute' people, it doesn't just end a life, it impacts upon the whole family that are then bereaved. That then impacts on the health of those families. Shouldn't professionals be able to 'arrest suspects' without 'shooting' them?

How compassionate and merciful are they? Or have they been given a 'licence to kill', you decide after listening to the evidence. It has been proven time and time again by investigative journalists that 'lethal force as been used when it wasn't necessary'.

The documentary shares with us that 'joy riders' are getting shot in Northern Ireland. It includes children aged 16 and 17 that were 'executed', where is the justice in that? Who do they think they are?

May Jean rest in peace and his family be comforted. There are people who really do care fully for innocent youngsters.

Can they fill their bullets with love instead of that which removes a life from the planet?

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