
Monday 18 April 2016


In 2014, a woman had a dream and it included Kim and her mother. Kim was holding a small mustard gold purse that I indeed had in my hand in 2014 and afterwards. The person has posted their dream on-line and the dream includes guns and the guns are also mentioned in Micah 4 about America.

The woman wrote the letters IGTKU that was written on the mustard gold purse and she wrote that she knew what the letters stand for. The dream of the event is held in a large mansion where a party was held. Then at the end of her record of the dream she asks 'What in the world does this mean?'.

The first important aspect of the dream is a mansion and the mansion is biblical. In the dream there were people that were inside of the mansion and there were people that were outside of the mansion.

In the person's dream, the people that were outside of the mansion died, they also mention the numeric of 20 and 20 is the numeric of judgement.

The name KIM in Hebrew can mean arise or raised up. The word is mentioned in the book of Deuteronomy, and Jesus also said the word in Aramaic when he was healing the female child. It is very important that when people are given a name in a dream that they investigate its meaning to assist the people to comprehend the dream.

Interesting that the initials IGT is the initials of a London company, 'International Game Technology'.

However, you could also view it differently that the initials stand for 'I God Tell Kim Unite' or 'I God Tell Kim Union'. Has the dreamer ever heard of the Love Union the Christ Vision that was given by the Son of God?

Has the dreamer ever heard of Tzadikim - the righteous? TK can stand for Tzadikim. TK can also be found in Hebrew and it is about the Tanakh that the heavenly Father spoke about. It was because he spoke of the Tanakh that I chose that new email address.

So how are you viewing your dreams and are you looking at the dreams on different levels?

In dream interpretation to dream of 'guns' can indicate a dream of 'injustice' and it looks like the person that posted the dream was an American, and it was due to the 'injustice' that many people died at the party. It looks like in the dream that Kim was trying to help the woman by telling her what had happened to those that were 'unjust' amongst the party.

Kim was holding her purse with the initials on, so there were financial implications. Jesus also spoke of the mustard seed and the purse was a mustard gold colour in the dream and also in real life.

Interesting that I also had a dream and an ex was giving my son a tray of seeds.

To see a purse in a dream indicates that it is likely that you will be pleasantly surprised by a long overdue payment, or repayment. In dream interpretation to see people that are 'dead' means that they have been released from their concerns, that can either be financially or in health.

It can also indicate the forthcoming news of a birth or being reborn. In real life my mother passed over in 2005, although there has been news of new birth in her family. In fact, two new births have come to be since that time. Two little girls born abroad.

In the dream there was mother and daughter in it, as such, it is about the feminine involvement and the combination of the two women and their interventions to help people to be just. Mother and daughter that were born in London. I don't have that mustard gold purse anymore, it has been replaced with a new purse. In my old purse it had inside it a little hamsa keyring that I had been gifted when I was in Israel in May 2006.

It was the first hamsa that I had been given, although a second hamsa was gifted on the journey, the second hamsa was in pottery. The third hamsa was when it appeared before me divinely and I was given divine instructions on what had to be done with it creatively and also in positioning, the hamsa became my avatar pic.

When It was shown to me divinely, it had flames coming from it like the painting above, the flame of Joseph, the flame of dream interpretation when typing explanations, the flame of love when I am healing, the power of love beyond measure and England is the land of Joseph, the Jewish grandpa who brought forth the Son of Joseph. It was also given as a design for the new holy city of enlightenment of Yerushalayim.

Mum was an excellent cook, and she was also incredibly creative, my mother would love these paintings that these hands began to make in 2012 when I began to combine art with food, and art with flowers and dolphins in the mandalas.

She would love the creative expression and would give her encouragement and support to it. If I can inspire people with this art and help people to comprehend the importance of art and creativity on the journey of the prophetic power of healing, how wonderful that could be?

Communication is also an art, and biblical prophecy spoke of the skilled writer that would come. It also mentions the collected sayings that were published in 2005 after mum's passing. You could say that mum's creativity was reborn in my hands of creativity, real art with real paint and colour being spread.

My whole life was involved in creativity, from school, to work in all of its different phases of existence. My mother used to say you gained our best attributes,  every time I began something new in my life, whether it was in work or relationships, I was always cautious, thinking it through before advancement on the best way forward.

It is the same with my artwork that is divinely inspired, I allow Spirit to guide my hands and heart, to create what God would like me to create in his divine will for his purpose for yours truly. I know in my heart that it is divine intervention and the timing is perfectly arranged. Prior to starting to paint in 2012, in 2011, Jesus had spoken of the fact that we were moving into awesomeness, and that April 2011, was 444 and perfected love.

After I began painting he inspired me and kept on telling me to paint and so I did, I would paint most days, painting after painting, I have so many paintings. While I was painting I came to comprehend Carl Jung and why he painted during his life. It was a time in his life, when he was in crisis, and doing his utmost to comprehend humanity and its co-creation, how and why humanity could do such things to each other as happened in WW2.

No coincidence then that the anniversary is soon, we cannot call it a celebration in April can we? Although we can call it a time when we 'never forget' what humanity is capable of and after the Son of Joseph passed over, he said, 'Forget-me-not'. He certainly did like a party, he was the life and soul of every party, and there were many people that stood against him, when the time came for him to put his own life, health, family and wife first.

He spent his whole life standing against 'injustice', wherever it was found, yet what justice was he given in the end of his life on the planet? You could view it that his mission was done on the planet, and it was time to go, it was finished. You could view it that he was being released from what had been done to him in the earthly realms.

You could view it that he had to be a reminder to his rainbow children of what humanity are capable of, so that it ensured that we keep the rainbow of hope alive in the hearts of the people.

You could view it that after dad and mum passed over, the prophecy of Ezekiel was fulfilled, and after that I was sent to Israel to shower the love upon the people that were brought to share with yours truly; on the holy hill of the gathering in northern Israel.

For only in the light of hope and loving light of many colours can humanity continue to exist in the happiness that he lived with all of his heart.

The extent of his and her love that they showered upon the world in the daughter for the Jewish people, was delivered to Israel in May.

'The depth of your forgiveness, determines the depth of your love', from Sacred Words



The divine teachings helped me to live, the divine teachings helped me through so many different realities with the best attributes of parents that did their best in difficult circumstances. I shared with people how important it was to keep the best of memories and heal the rest.

Of course there was also wonderful people and wonderful divine experiences along the way of the paths of peace that led to enlightenment and beyond. No surprise then that we find the tree of life in the neurones and that catapults a new era in life and living it. After I walked through the open pink door and then the open golden door, the tree of life was flourishing beautifully before me. I remember it vividly in years gone by.

In 2015 a golden child was brought to yours truly, a very special cherub, a new generation born, the children always in my heart and the last that I heard, he was making wonderful healing progress.

1 comment:

  1. Hello. your blog is very new and interesting to me. Could you please explain the you have to be Buddhist to make one also what is the "pure land". I recently had a dream that I was not in the land of Saul nor in the land of Judah but in the land of ashes... and then I sang "hallel". What is the land of ashes?? Thank you.
