
Tuesday 19 April 2016

Chris Keate's NASUWT

Chris Keate from the NASUWT gives a response to the Secretary for Education Nicky Morgan. The Conservatives are privatising the NHS, they're also privatising schools. Interesting that the BBC covered education yesterday and what has become immense concern and that is peer pressure.

Children are having to cope with increased pressure from governments via education, peer pressure upon their lives in school, combined with the Conservatives war against the poor that is impacting on their homes and families. That then impacts upon the children too!

Children find themselves in a war that politicians have co-created. The social engineering of the Conservatives, as spread from schools to libraries.

Chris Keate begins her speech by saying that 'its the men that create the mess and the women that have to pick up the pieces'.

She also said that 'poverty is degrading children'.

And the latest news about the universities, Cameron will not meet his 2020 targets of getting more people from poor families to universities. A lot of children have more common sense than to pay £9.000 a year for a university course, and get themselves in debt for £27,000 prior to starting out in living life. So once again, the Cameron and his Liberal Democrat education policy has backfired, exactly as biblical prophecy predicted their plans would. Will Nicky Morgan withstand the onslaught from all quarters when the report says that the universities are not a viable proposition due to the cost of the tuition fees!

What are you eating today?

I am eating DATES! 

And some Brazil Nuts 

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