
Wednesday 20 April 2016

War-Time Babies 'Dementia'

The original predictions from the Medical Research Council done in the 1990's as been reviewed. Interesting that those people being that age would've been 'war-time babies'.

The article says that they interviewed 7,500 people 65 and over in Cambridgeshire, Newcastle and Nottinghamshire in the early 90's.

A study featured in Nature Communications predicts a lower rate of 'dementia'. The researchers looked at three different areas 20 years apart and found that the trends were different especially in men. They found that men were now healthier than they were before.

So we have poverty linked to 'dementia', as poverty impacts on the amount of nutrients that people receive due to being able to afford the essential nutrients. We have a link with nutrients because the brain takes until the age of 25 to be fully developed. Its common sense that children require the appropriate nutrients while the brain is developing.

I was born an era later, I was what was known as a very fussy eater, although the medics at Barts Hospital called it an 'eating disorder' due to me only weighing two stone at the age of 7.

From when I was born I also worked with Dr Tanner who became a professor of child development and a large department at Great Ormand Street hospital was the result of his wonderful work with the children. The work that Tanner did with the children helped the medical profession around the world and his work was internationally recognised.

He was a lovely man, I still remember him measuring me annually, and they used to take photographs of us children and give us a copy of it. It was the birthday pic, as our annual appointments always aligned with our birthdays. When he started out with his research, we were together above the nursery in Coram Fields.

The Tanner team didn't only measure us physically, they also looked at our other developmental abilities. Dad was thrilled, that I had such a highly qualified team keeping an eye on my growth and development, and I am sure that they must've helped my parents with anything that they might have been concerned about.

My soul had authority over my being and I would only eat certain foods that included lemons and fresh tomatoes. We now know how important lemons and Vit K is for the brain to assimilate and absorb Vit C. When I went to nursery and school we were given milk, and afternoon sleep. My parents also gave us Vit C orange tablets.

I was born after WW2, and the bombing of the country, must've also impacted upon its land, food and nutrients and in so doing the children born prior to and during it. You then ask why was it that it was only during the Gordon Brown reign that the UK stopped paying Germany to rebuild it?

Why the poor of the nation had to work so hard to give its money to a country that made war upon the UK and the health of its people?

If we then look at the Conservatives 'war against the poor' in the UK now, and the sheer extent of poverty in the UK, you then realise that the poorest people of the nation, are in a state of emergency and especially the children whose brains are developing. The video above also shares with you the massive 'intrusion' into the lives and the homes of the people in the 1930's.

Even to the extent of asking people to sell their cups and chairs if they had more than the number of people living in the house. Seriously, what governments have done to keep 'control' and the old paradigm by 'degrading' the people in such a way as to say that they could only have one chair and one cup per person. They even taxed people on how many windows that they had, I remember the days when windows were still boarded up.


A dream of serving a tomato drink!

Prostate and Tomato

Interesting that after I married at the age of 25, I began to make tomato chutney.

Another aspect - when my son was a child he loved to eat Kiwi's his preferred fruit, and they have Vit K too, his soul had authority over what his body required. He was also a fussy eater and liked to eat raw food, he liked salads but not cooked vegetables, he didn't like red meat either, although he would eat a homemade lasagne. He liked that the best with salad, he was a good eater, and I just allowed him to eat what he liked, and gave him what he liked to eat, as I knew what he was eating was healthy for him.

So it was more likely to see him with a raw carrot or a kiwi in his mouth, then you would anything else. I helped myself with lemons and tomatoes and he helped himself with carrots and the fruit bowl.

He also liked those little cheeses in the round box, that I also ate when I was a baby, and the only difference was that before he opened the fridge, he would say, 'Mummy may I have'. He ate plenty of quality food and was always healthy.

Kiwi Smoothie

What else is important ? LOVE, love and nutrients. When people are living in poverty and they know that it is being inflicted upon them by governments, how does that make people feel? It has been known for generations that the financial situation that men find themselves in - can impact on their ability to love and to give of themselves.

I also found that men that worked in finance, associated with finance, and or were in financial difficulty were more likely to contract prostate issues. Of course, physiologically tomatoes can also alleviate that on a physical level. The financial situation of a family doesn't just impact upon the love brain, it also impacts upon the prostate and the root level of consciousness. Its often the case that financial issues impact upon the identity of the male provider, it impacts on their safety and security.

It impacts upon the authority of their souls and men tend to withdraw into themselves in such times, due to being connected with their worthiness to find and or sustain a mate. Another reason why the light of hope and love beyond measure is essential.

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