
Monday 18 April 2016

Billy Connolly and 'Parkinson's.

An article in the media giving an update from his wife Pamela on his condition. Pamela mentions that Billy as always had ADD and had mood swings. At the same time as he was diagnosed with 'Parkinson's' he had a simultaneous diagnosis of 'prostate cancer'.

What is interesting about what Pamela has written is that years prior to Billy being officially diagnosed, he met a stranger outside of his hotel in Australia, and told Billy he was a neurology specialist.

He told Pamela's husband, that the way he walked was like his Parkinson's patients and recommended that he see someone about it. Billy Connolly was not happy about that. When he did get checked he was symptom-free. It was another three years before he was diagnosed.

Amazing that a person that knows how the body moves, can ascertain such a diagnosis years in advance of the confirmation of it just by looking at the way that you walk.  That's what I call a specialist.

Pamela says that he's had the all clear for the prostrate. Although I would still recommend that he drinks tomato juice and celery for prostate.

What else he has to eat for his neurones and nervous system. Its a physiological condition that requires a specific menu and menus. As far as exercise is concerned I would put him on an inversion table daily, make sure he has some shiatsu, Reiki and aromatherapy massages on a regular basis.

It impacts on motion and how people walk, that means that reflexology is also an essential therapy for these people to help them to ascertain what is going on inside the body at different phases of its development and or reversal.

He has to get more oxygen to the brain so get your Coq10 on with the watercress and get on that table!

And stop wearing black and don't wear red. Wear pastel healing colours. Take your power back, and stop waiting for pharmaceutical companies to give you a pill that costs millions. Once you have an accurate diagnosis, then you know what you are dealing with, you can take action to counteract it!

There is such an overlap in the different physiological conditions. It makes you wonder how many of these people have been put on a nearly raw diet? How much manganese are they having?

How much oxygen are they getting to the brain? I shared a story of how dad was in hospital for six weeks in his 20's, because he couldn't move, and his friend was a vegetarian. When he went to the hospital he fed dad raw food, that's how they got his body back to normal. Prior to that mum said that he would only eat steak and chips. Dad had to change due to what it was doing to his body, basically the protein that he was eating, wasn't being broken down.


Author, John Gray gives his response to Parkinson's and tells his story.  John makes some important points, including the proteins and what is important about the proteins - is that they are easily digested, there are particular foods that help to break down the proteins. There are also proteins that are digested easier than others, e.g. green lentils.

So the condition is certainly impacted upon by food and minerals.  It reminds me of when I was in Australia and to enable me to go on in the boat race I had to take some medication - and it included ginger tablets and melatonin. I also took it on the flight home and I didn't get jet lag coming home.

If and when I found that planetary energies were taking me out of balance, then I took some St John's Wort for a day or two. St John's Wort is brilliant for the nervous system, its very powerful.

My gut feeling is that fresh ginger is one of the essentials for people with Parkinson's. I did do some soup recipes with ginger last year and ginger is great with stir fry's.

Also when I was teaching Reiki, ginger was often given divinely to individual's on the training courses.

Another remedy that was given divinely was ginseng, I recommended that people get it from the Chinese health food shop. You have to have the real McCoy!

Ginseng with royal jelly, you take it for ten days on and ten days off. Its also another remedy that people should take if and when they are having dental treatment, due to the impact of dental treatment on the neurones, thymus and thyroid. It doesn't taste very nice, but never mind, you only have a little of it.



What did I have to eat today? I had a chicken casserole cooked in a slow cooker. Some chicken pieces (3 small breasts) were sauted in coconut oil, with some onions, sliced potato, a whole of a sweet red pepper and three cloves of garlic. 

Then I included loads of basil, paprika, and some black pepper to taste. 400g of chopped tomatoes. During the cooking I included some water to keep it moist, some carrots cut small, and a handful of spaghetti. I included a sliced leek, half of a large aubergine cut small, a spoonful of turmeric and some cumin and finished it off with some mushrooms. It was delicious when served with some sultanas on the top on the plate, of course you could also put some ginger in it while cooking. 

If you can feel the food in your body, it means that there is something going on with your digestive tract, your body is responding to the food that you are giving it.

The physical body was made to process food and not eat processed foods, so its essential that you keep processed foods to a minimum. Remember this 'drugs' and pharmaceuticals are heavily processed and do impact upon people and their neurones.

When you make your own nutrient drinks - you know what is in those drinks, you know exactly what nutrients that you are having and you are able to comprehend the laboratory of your body and its workings. 

My nutrient drink today will be juiced Kiwi and lemon juice, although I might put some dates and ginger in it.


One of our vegetarians eats the whole kiwi so this evening I juiced three kiwi with their skins, one peeled lemon, I included 8 dates and 4 apricots. It turned out like compote that you could put on breakfast.

In breakfast you can try, a small amount of rolled oats, fennel seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, some ginger and a sprinkle of cinnamon and some ground almond. Then include your compote and add a little goats milk. Also remember to have some fruit and nuts everyday. Only one Brazil nut is required each day. Of course you could have this as a sweet after dinner, if you still have room. Its like a crumble.

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