
Thursday 21 April 2016

Hatchet's Nightmare

I was outside my home sitting on what felt like a chair in the street, and I found myself in a nightmare.

In the nightmare I could see police knocking down the door of a home opposite me, and they were smashing it with hatchets.

The loud noise of what they were doing, woke me up. I screamed out at the police asking why they were axing the door when I have the keys to that door and could open it easily.

Then everything went 'black and I was blind'.

A Scottish woman from Glasgow came to my right side and held my hand. I knew her, she used to be a neighbour at our old house. She told me to be quiet and to stop shouting at the police. Then the dream ended.

When I woke up I thought this is like a post-trauma nightmare, and my body is in trauma, as I have an infection on the right side of my face. I can feel a hole in my right gum above the tooth, the gum is swollen and I can't eat or drink.

Scotland and going 'blind' is interesting as my great-grandmother on my mother''s side went 'blind'.

In dream interpretation to dream of police is a symbol of security, and even if your dream included 'trouble with police', it can be a dream of contrary, and it signifies that you will get unexpected help with a current problem.

This nightmare arrived just before the first day of the Jewish passover on the 23rd April, St Georges Day, and Shakespeare Day. April 22/23rd is also the pink full moon and retrograde planetary configurations. So if you are going to have a dream or a nightmare to do with the past, this is most likely the time you will have it.

However, if your dream included 'Hatchet's, it indicates a period of 'disturbing predicaments'. domestic and or/business. You could view it as a Lazarus nightmare due to previous and or historical ancestry life experience that is repeating itself again, especially if you can find a connection with your family, friends, or people that you have known.

In this video Scottish police are teaching American police how not to shoot people in America.

'Locked doors' can also be to do with the past, and the police were forcing the door open by smashing it to pieces. I have heard police breaking down doors in the past to gain entry to other people's homes, that is another reason why I think this dream is to do with post-trauma.

If you dream of 'blackness', in dream interpretation it can indicate 'bubble, bubble, toil and trouble' of the cauldron and I always stay in on a full moon, you can be sure that the police will be out in force.

To dream of being 'blind' can indicate that you have to look at who you trust. As it indicates that it is a dream of warning, in the dream the Scottish woman was also giving a warning. So it does indicate a warning dream.

Who do you trust? Do you trust the woman that held your hand, do you trust the palmist, or do you trust those with hatchets in their hands? Who do you trust the most in your life, because you are required to look at it.

Wouldn't you try to find out if anyone has the keys prior to smashing a door in, I had the keys in my hands, they didn't have to smash that wooden door to smithereens. In this photograph taken in 2007 at a charity event, I am holding the keys. A professional photographer took this lovely photograph just before I went to Israel for the second time.

To have this nightmare while my body is in serious pain, also indicates the cause being the trauma to do with the police and Sjogren's is also triggered by trauma, when the body is in pain, then it indicates the cause of it, due to what was done to you e.g. what happened to Lazarus.

Hence, any health difficulties experienced at this time are related to that. In scripture Jesus warned about the 'arrests' of his followers, and he also warned about the medical profession in the last days of the end times.

Amnesty International have introduced a 'panic button' app, for human rights activists, so that help can come to help the activists when required. A Scottish woman did come to help, so it does indicate that Scotland will do its best to help. It was a woman that helped, and that confirms the prophecy, don't rely on man!

I'm going to have to take another 'painkiller' and also try dabbing some tea-tree oil on my right gum, while I try to decide what to do next. I don't have any straws, and I can hardly drink, I cannot eat either due to the extent of the pain. Its a 111 call, and probably a 999 call for an ambulance.


Prince and Paisley, police and a medical emergency.

While I have been in bed trying to recover from an 'infection' with some 'antibiotics', the world of entertainment are paying tribute to Prince.

After the first anti-biotic, I did feel some improvement, after the second anti-biotic it was the same as it was before.


  1. You asked a question to the police, so you opened yourself up for an answer. This is a chessgame. Imo the blackness and blindness means they dont want you to interfere with what they were doing.

  2. In my hands, I had what the police required HO ANU, they didn't have to smash the door. I have the keys!
