
Thursday 21 April 2016


Following on from the nightmare with the Scottish woman in it last night. 


Today, Paisley Park Studios in America is in the news, Scottish name. 

Apparently there as been a passing in that location, the complex is owned by singer Prince. The studios are near Minneapolis. Media say that Prince passed over age 57, police called due to a medical emergency. 

I had a bizarre experience last night after the nightmare, I could hear sounds in my mouth, like the soul was crying, I heard the sound four times. 

A young musician that came from parents that were also musicians. talented with different instruments. Prince was his birth name given to him by his dad, age 17 he insisted upon producing his first album and record labels weren't used to being told that. Then due to what Warner Brothers had done with his name. He then relaunched himself with his symbol.

His profile says that he was 'epileptic' from a child, and that in 2005 he knew that he had to have a double hip operation although he had a cane while he was performing since the 90's.

Due to being a JW, he wouldn't have the operation unless it could be done bloodlessly, he was also a vegetarian. So very strong convictions.

Prince had worn out his hips with his dancing and many dancers experience pain when working out or are on stage. Would you carry on working out, training, or dancing if you were in pain, or would you listen to your body and what it is telling you?

Young Dancers and Anterior Hip Pain

One of his witnesses, and band members, Sheila E has shared the following: "There was always something kind of bothering him, as if does all of us", Sheila E, said when asked about Prince's physical health. "You know we're like athletes, we train, and we get hurt all the time. We know all the years of him jumping off the risers and the speakers onstage in the heels, you know, (it) messed up his hip and his knee, but he kept on doing it because he loved doing it and it was something no one was doing".

What I have noticed about people that have joint operations, is that their joints have had too much exercise, too much walking, too much jogging, and in the case of dancers, too much dancing and dance training.

Eventually the body pays the price for what people do to their bodies and this is something that should be shared with children prior to deciding on careers. Is the fame worth it - or do you put your health first? He did what he loved doing, and it cost him his health. He enjoyed his young life and paid for it later. When I was dancing, if my feet began to 'hurt', I would take off my shoes and dance barefoot, then my feet were happy!

It is written that he went on the doorsteps to speak about Jesus as JW's do. However, true followers of Jesus become healers, they follow in his footsteps. Its time for the world to comprehend the truth about the holy family of Jesus, its all in the scripture about the miracle workers if you have the eyes to see it and the heart to embrace it.

In this video of a BBC interview his face is covered, and there is a biblical prophecy about the face being covered in the book of Ezekiel. Ezekiel 12:12. 'He will cover his face so that he cannot see the land'.

Also Ezekiel 7:27 'the prince will be clothed with 'despair'.

Hosea 8:4 'They set up kings without my consent, they choose princes without my approval'. Hosea 13:10 'Where is your king that he may save you?'


In this video it looks like he is wearing flats with a small wedge for his posture. 

He changed such a lot bless him, and he did try to help as many as he could in the timeline. 

In the UK we associate Paisley with Scotland. Names have such a powerful impact. 


I am going to take same antibiotics and go back to bed.

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