
Thursday 21 April 2016

PINK MOON 22/23rd April

Depending where you live will depend when the pink moon happens for you, although the impact of the incoming energies can already be felt if you are sensitive to the energies. You may feel quick spurts of energy to do things, to clear rooms, to improve, to reorganise, to re-arrange.

In the lead up with this energy, I have seen children's characters in the colours of the rainbow that I gave to children in the 80's. I've experienced a greetings card dream, and I've seen rainbows appear in my bedroom and also on my left hand while typing. I view the rainbow as the rainbows of hope, and the coat of many colours of Joseph, the covenant with God.

The planetary configuration is about where you sleep, in the energy that you live in your home, how comforting is it for you? How loving is it for you? How nurturing is it for you? Does massage with healing oils happen in your bedroom - is it your sacred space of peacefulness? Is it your sanctuary, if not, how can you make it so?

The message received was 'BE CONTENT' and that can apply to many aspects of our inner life and inner worlds of our sanctuary. It can also apply to the outer world, and its important for spiritual people to feel contented with themselves now, and contented with what they have achieved, as so many people have done their utmost to bring positive energy and love into the world to help transform it.

Of course there will be challenges to our realities, so it is important to stay in your peacefulness, for what do the medical professionals and chief librarians know about well-being and its enlightenment?

What do they know of the soul and who can read the soul of a child or a teenager? Who can speak of the well-being as predicted in the biblical prophecies for the last days of the end times? Only those that have truly attained enlightenment appreciate and comprehend what it really means due to our experience of it.

The extent of being love and what that divine love has manifested on so many different levels of consciousness and in so many different realities. It is divine love that feeds the soul and its tree of life of the being.

The bedroom is not just a place to sleep, it is the place where you receive your dreams. It is a place where you can see energy, it is a place where you can heal, a place where you can experience so many different spiritual realities. Peacefulness and tranquility for Spirit to reside.

I have felt a shift this week, a movement, a momentum, moving forward in my own inner world of my reality to make it more precious, more sacred once again. Releasing that which I no longer require, space clearing, making room and space for the healer that has done so much during this lifetime. So many different lifetimes wrapped in one.

Its also St Georges Day on the 23rd, and in England we will certainly see people take to the streets. In York there is a parade in front of Clifford's Tower that can be viewed on youtube. It is also the first day of the Jewish passover and I felt compelled to paint teddy bears today, in pink and gold like the dream that I saw. To give to a couple for their health - the greeting card wishing them health and happiness.

You may also hear of passings, like the comedian Victoria Wood that passed over on the 20th, and the Paddington Bear artist, Peggy Fortnum that passed over this April. So for instance, I discovered today that a businessman that I knew in the 80-90's passed over in 2014. I have such wonderful happy memories of attending business lunches and charity events with him and his wife. And the business that he founded still exists and his family is celebrating 50 years of its existence.

There is also Shakespeare's Day on the 23rd too, so there is a lot going on in the world of business, entertainment, and creativity. What's important is that you know who you are, and that you surround yourself with that which is beneficial to you on your journey. Whatever you do, wherever you go, whatever happens, stay in the love that you were born to be.

Friends come and go, like meeting travellers on the road, and some last forever, always connected in our hearts that are united in the power of love. If you can remember the good times and their smiles the most, how wonderful is that?

You cannot live your lives for others, you can only live it for yourself and for God, for everyone does have a divine purpose for being when they decide to find out what that is. Sometimes that is to take care of our families, like my mother did. Sometimes it is to take care of others, sometimes, it is time to take care of yourselves.

Only in the healing process are the curtains drawn back, the veil is unveiled - so that you can see what you would like to see. Only in the power of magnanimous love does your trust build magnificently in the divine plan of your soul's choice pre-destination.

When I looked at the greeting card that I had painted today, I thought, the words are more important than the painting. The words to inspire and encourage, the words to build up and support those that really do have to read the words. So that they can remember the power of words, in the power of love, in the last days to help see them through.

Generation after generation the light has been building and as Jesus said, 'The light has come at an incredible rate'. So the moon may be pink like the blossom on the trees, the month of April showers.  Man may put his silver armour and flags on like St George, planets may be retrograde, but what about you? What is your deepest wish in your heart? When you go to sleep this night, ask yourself that question prior to sleep state, and then see what manifests for you. For there will be massive changes between now and June, will you be ready?

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