
Tuesday 12 April 2016

CH4 Dispatches Disability

In February Baroness Meacher spoke about the 7 million children and the poverty that is increasing in the UK, especially for the disabled.

CH4 Dispatches have done an undercover report on what is happening with the DWP reforms. What they discovered as 'horrified' disability groups. Its not just about what they said about the disabled, Cameron's 'henchmen' and 'thugs' that are featured in the documentary prove that the people that are working for the private contractor have been earning £20,000 a month to stop people from claiming Disability Living Allowance. The private contractor is Capita, £140M contract.

The more appointments that they push through, the more the private contractors are earning on the backs of the poor and disabled. 

Its time for Capita to go with Cameron. They've already been called out for 'Misconduct' and these people have your medical records every other record about the life of the people. Its a conflict of interest like IAPT CBT and should be handed over to the monopolies commission.

Check out what Capita are involved in and how deep it goes throughout the privacy of the nation. I understand now why Julian Assange said what he did about privacy, Brits you now have none. They've handed your medical records over to a private company, how dare they do such a thing without the permission of the people? This is the same company that is working for the home office, telling people to leave the country when they are in fact a British passport holder.

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