
Tuesday 12 April 2016


When I woke up today, I was thinking about all the things that I would like to do at home, things that I can't do like I used to do. I then received a message that came up from deep within.


That message then reminded me of Sophia and how contented she was - even though there were things that she would've like to have done but couldn't do it. A woman that suffered during her life, and was an inspiration to medical science. She had 'rheumatic fever' as a child that co-created a serious heart condition at the age of 14.

In those days women like Sophia weren't allowed to give birth. Although a pioneering young doctor worked with her and helped her to birth a child and she had two heart attacks on a bed of ice during the delivery. She wasn't allowed to have anymore children after that.

Her doctor became a professor of heart surgery and the content of her life is worthy to share, together they took a big risk, but holding the bundle of joy of a little girl was the greatest gift she was ever given, it empowered her will to live.

When she was young she lived life to the full, she only lived for today, because the doctors kept on telling her that she was going to die. It was the 1920's the days of the flapper girls, so she enjoyed life and she worked in service in the big houses serving the rich from whence her mother had come. Her mother had been rejected by her wealthy family because she married the footman.

That is the story that was conveyed, of Sophia's heritage, her mother married for love and did it all for love. Sophia and her family came from the root of Jesse and Jesse means wealth or wealthy. Her uncle that remained in the family was a barrister and my mother said that in her ancestry the family owned a tea company.



Sophia had an incredible will to live and went on to live until the age of 65, it was a miracle to the doctors. Having her daughter strengthened her, empowered her to live with the power of love she had for her child. The child liberated her love awesomely and they were incredibly close like sisters.

Then when her daughter gave birth to a daughter, it empowered her love again, it gave her renewed hope and strength with a child to live for. The light of love that shone upon her with loads of hugs and lovely walks together along the beach. I spent so much time with her when I was a child, while my young mother could do what she had to do in the home.

In the 21st century it is different for women, women are forced to go to work, and they have to balance work life and home life too. In the life of my mother and grandmother it was unthinkable to put a woman in a hospice or a care home. Families looked after each other, because the women didn't have to go to work, one man's salary was enough to pay for the essential requirements for the family.

So when the time came for the Son of Joseph, his wife tended to him daily, it was natural for her to look after the man that she loved, that is what families were still doing in the 20th century. For he had done his utmost to care for his family during his life, and it was natural for him to receive the appropriate love in return from his family. Yes, it was hard for my mother, she would call me and sob her heart out on the phone in a public phone box, and I had to do my utmost to be positive and supportive to her - although I was also bereaved while doing so.

With Sophia, we sung to our tune, how a child loves to spend time with their grandmother. As a child if I was ever concerned about anything, I would either whisper in the ear of my dog, or turn to Sophia, especially in my teenage years and after I left home. Her simplicity, and her contentment to be contented with her life was definitely an inspiration to anyone that had any health conditions.

She was victorious and she did overcome on a daily basis, as she smiled before us, yet we knew that she was suffering.

In the 21st century she would probably be considered to be a burden upon the state, yet, what cost a life that gave her life to help medical science improve what they were offering people with serious heart and other health conditions?

She was the first woman in England to be allowed to give birth to a child with such conditions. A true saint. She was a believer but I don't remember her speaking of it, although she did have an antique picture of Jesus as a child shepherd with a lamb. It was a lovely picture of the beloved that my mother kept after she passed over. It was small, the size of a postcard.

As we say in England, she didn't make a drama out of a crisis, she was very experienced in life, as she had been through it many times. She made her daughter strong because she had to be strong in life due to the health of her mother.

In the book of Genesis Jacob was content to stay at home among the tents. Genesis 25:27 And she was content to stay at home in the second phase of her life.

The righteous eat to their hearts content. Proverbs 13:25 Sophia certainly did like her food and in the first phase of her life she would always give me fruit. She would take her grandchild to the local market in London and ask her to pick out the biggest and favourite fruit. As Jesus said, by their fruit you shall know them.

'One rests content untouched by trouble' Proverbs 19:23 Sophia lived peacefully with her health conditions away from the crowds.

'godliness with contentment is great gain' 1 Timothy 6:6

In the book of Hebrews it is written. 'Be content with what you have, because God as said, never will I leave you, never will I forsake you'. Hebrews 13:5

Words have many meanings don't they, we have 'content' as in being contented, and then we have the word 'content' the content of who you are. The content that is within you that is available to share, the content of your life, the content of where you have been, what you have done, what you have received divinely, who you are is your content. Then we have the marketing content as seen in the above video, different realities for different life purpose at different phases of your lives.

The content, the library of your life, the different books, the different pictures, the different careers, The different people, the different views and life experience.

It reminds me of when Jesus said, 'Never forget who you are', so be content with who you are, for it does have a divine purpose. Life and its different phases, I realise now how young Sophia was when she passed over at 65, she was in her second phase of life. Although her son-in-law passed over even younger.

Very special people that shared my life and I am content with that, as I can say that they were special content in my library of life experience.  The content of their lives, helped yours truly through life, as I always remembered what they taught me in life and it did stand me in good stead - as they led by example.

Salmon Dinner 

I fancied some fish and chips for dinner and Sophia always used to say that a little bit of what you fancy does you good. I don't have an oven at the moment so I cooked my meal in a slow-pan cooker.

Thinly sliced sweet potato fried in a little palm oil that was already in the pan. When the sweet potatoes were cooked, then included half of a sweet pepper sliced, and half of an onion sliced and put my salmon in the middle soaking up the juices.

When there was no more palm oil in the pan, included some water to cover the potatoes and salmon etc and when the pan was dry, the dinner was cooked.

I accompanied my salmon and veggies with iceberg lettuce and cucumber dressed with the juice of half a fresh lemon juice. The lemon juice was also put on the salmon. Rock salt and black pepper to taste. Delicious. I was going to include some cashew nuts but I couldn't find what I had done with them. LOL! Although I had a couple of Brazil nuts while cooking. I do like my nuts!

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