
Monday 11 April 2016

Sara Green Panorama

The case of Sara Green is being featured in a Panorama documentary this evening. The Diary of a Teenager. May she rest in peace and condolences to her family and friends.

A young 17 year old teenager that has become another NHS statistic, another NHS funeral.

Black Lace Dream

Two Women Black and Blue

Children that find themselves on the 'stakes of the stakeholders' that do their utmost to retain their realities in partnership with the pharmaceutical companies. While children and their families suffer their 'incompetence'.

A call for help that turned into another 'suicide' due to the NHS. Then there is 'Young Minds', and IAPT CBT and the MIND Charity, that we are also challenging with the truth of the facts.

What cost, the life of a child, is priceless, can the medics put the life of a child above their own heads and come from their hearts in integrity?

Listening to just a little of what was written in Sara's diary, it sounds like 'self-esteem' was the issue, what she required was healing and lots of tender loving care, also vibrational medicine to help her with the journey of inner transformation.

This was a child that could express what she was feeling, writing it down was helping her to live with what she was doing her best to work through.

A record of the different phases that she found herself at, yet, they locked her up for 9 months, 100 miles from her family and the love that she knew to be true to her.

Another sensitive angel from heaven that found it difficult to cope with the way that some of the youth treat others. Self esteem can also be related to a past life, so all aspects have to be reviewed in such cases to unlock the creative potential that was being expressed.

In her words it can be seen that she is a soul that wished to be free, when she began secondary school at the age of eleven is when her life changed - and she experienced the 'bullying' at the age of eleven.

The medics put her on pharmaceutical drugs, 'anti-depressants' that we know can 'depress' the light of the hope of the soul even more.

The 'suicides' due to 'pharmaceutical drugs' given by the medical profession are huge, much bigger than most will admit to. A healer does not put a band-aid on an existing condition, and when the soul cries out for help, it is the soul that requires help due to what the medics are doing to the physical being and their neurones.

So who gave Sara pharmaceutical drugs and who told the child it was a 'mental health' issue, when it is not? It is the souls journey on this planet in this timeline, some make a breakthrough with it when they get the right help at the right time.

What do the NHS know about sensitive and empaths that are sensitive to what people do? What do they and their private contractors assigned by CCG know about healing consciousness that includes the soul of the person and its light body? What do they know about energy and how it works? What do they know about the nervous system and the impact that pharmaceuticals have on the nervous system?

Sara would've been safer at home in the arms of love. 

A child of love that sought love to be faced with the reverse of it due to the different stakeholders involved, stakeholders that include private contractors.

I issued an urgent teen alert a couple of years ago, who is listening? A mission of compassion and mercy for children, why do we still not have the healing centres for 'depressed and suicidal' children to be given the love and holistic care that they require?

Were there enough of us campaigning for it in the UK?  Did we put in enough effort, for who stood against us providing an holistic approach that gives children the spiritual understanding of their process on the rite of passage? Who could share with Sara about the impact of colour and what you wear and what you do to your hair? Just a child, subjected to the fashion trends to suit the corporations and their social engineering.

Who could bring forth this child's natural talents, for her to appreciate her natural beauty, and help her to become empowered by coming to know that she was very important to the process that she was experiencing?

Who could explain it all to her - in a way that she could accept that the changes in puberty were natural? Who could stop her from being swallowed up by the 'mental health' profession to keep them in their jobs?

"The law was given by angels and entrusted to a mediator" Gal 3:19

In the photograph it looks as if, Sara dyed her hair black, and is also wearing black. And it is over a decade ago when I shared about the impact of wearing black on the light body of the soul, and how it impacts on the auric fields, the discoveries were made by the Russian scientists. If you are feeling down children, it is imperative that you wear uplifting healing colours for your light body messages.

Goth Dream

In her writings, the child spoke of being 'unhappy', and the statistic is that the children in the UK are the 'unhappiest' they have been since Victorian times. A sure sign that the social engineering introduced by the corporations and successive governments has impacted on our children of this nation.

However, planetary configurations also impact upon children, now what can the medics do about the planetary changes? Can they tell Saturn or Jupiter what to do and what drugs to take?

Its clear that young Sara felt that she didn't fit in with her peer group, a soul group that were triggering her and what had to be healed within her. In such cases the child tries to find its identity by trying different things, trying different fashions, they try to find their way to acceptance and friendship that is very important to children.

Acceptance that is all about the thymus and thyroid and learning to go with the flow of life, only when children comprehend why they do the things that they do; can they make a breakthrough themselves in their healing process with the help of a spiritually experienced facilitator.

Puberty impacts on their hormonal balance until they get to the other side of that phase of life - and the appropriate nutrients are essential for these children, no to pharmaceuticals that compound the situation.

'Self-harm' is a call for help, what help did the NHS give her to make a breakthrough in her life, what help did the school give her to reach her creative potential, so that she could find her self-esteem and self-love within the power of it? She loved to write, she wrote poetry, an artist, creative, and had ideas of going into the medical profession. As such, complimentary medicine and therapies would've been ideal for the child.

In the above documentary 'Young Minds' have introduced some intervention in schools, the thing is, it looks like it is highlighting it, and that just gives the 'bullies' more ammunition and puts ideas into the minds of the children. Like the medics in the hospital that suggested to Sara what she could do with the wire when they are asked her if she had thought of it. The fact, Sara hadn't thought of it, prior to the medics putting it into her head.

If you ask a child if they 'self-harm' it is then being put into their heads by the so-called health professionals.

Who could liberate Sara's love magnanimously, so that she could feel the power of love and receive all those wonderful hugs that her soul was crying out for? Teenagers that seek acceptance, teenagers that are finding their way in a world that isn't compatible with the sensitivity of the empathic healers that they were born to be.

The child, Sara Green had hopes of going to college as such that is a child that wishes to live, not die.

Sara was hoping for help to navigate what she was experiencing due to her years of puberty, the medical profession did not give the child the support that the child required. They even forcefully removed her hair, do the medics have any comprehension of the impact of that on a child?

Her boundaries were 'eroded and trampled' upon by the medics and in so doing her dignity. The coroners report combined with the diary shows us that Sara was 'humiliated' by the medics. 'Bullied' in school, and then 'bullied' by the medics.

Instead of exalting Sara in equality, the medics 'locked her up', they took away her freedom that she was writing about. Freedom is the key word of the age of Aquarius, hence being an Aquarian myself,

I appreciate and understand Sara and where she was coming from. I weep every time one of our children leaves the planet in such circumstances because I know that it could be easily solved.

How many children have to be featured in Panorama documentaries before we will get the change that is essential for the health of our nations children? The UK is 14th in the health tables in Europe, and certainly the quality of what is being provided by the medical profession has impacted upon our children.

Also class sizes are three times the size they were when I was at school. Children are crying out for freedom, how will you provide that freedom to the children? Testimony of warning was given many times. Isaiah 8.

If you have a child like Sara, please do not hesitate to contact me, I will give you all of the help that I can with the grace of God.

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