
Monday 25 April 2016

Blood Tests and Bruising

Beginning of April I had a teeth clean, when you have a teeth clean, if you have any cavities, teeth cleaning is like opening a wound.

11th April I wrote about how there had been a blood vessel explosion on my right arm and there was bruising again where the blood tests were taken in 2014 and 2105. Blood tests impact upon your veins and what your veins decide to do. They also impact upon your meridians, nervous system, neurones, and immune system.

Experienced massage therapists and Reiki healers are also aware that the tissues of the body holds on to the 'memory of pain.'

So if you have had blood vessels exploding, your body requires tender loving care.

17th April I wrote about seeing the rainbows in my bedroom above my head.

This Osho Zen blogpost mentions what happened afterwards and it included an 'infection' on the right side of my face.

Tooth 14 is connected to the SIDE. 

The numeric of 14 is also the numeric of the TEMPERANCE card and the INTEGRATION card in the Osho Zen, both are about balance. If your body as had enough of the trauma from blood tests, it will respond and let you know what is happening in the body. Wine is often symbolic of blood, especially in Christian symbology. In Judaism and its mysticism, in ancient times when they poured the red wine over the bread prior to eating it, it was symbolic of pouring the feminine over the masculine and uniting the two.

We know that blood holds memory and that water does too!

In that Temperance card above there is blood in those wings! Yellow is a primary colour in that temperance card, and that reminds me of the Jasmine aromatherapy oil. Its very gentle indeed for massaging on veins. Yellow is also the colour of creativity, so be creative with your healing requirements. Hands-on Reiki is excellent, your body loves to feel the power of love.

I also mentioned how important it is to wear white and aquamarine when you have any dental treatment and in the temperance card she is wearing white. Aquamarine and white keeps your body in as much ease and purity as it can be. Also important to wear appropriate colours when you are having any blood tests, as I am aware that some are essential for diagnosis, at this point in the evolution of the medical profession.

Also you can take flower essences e.g. rescue remedy prior to and after any dental treatment or blood tests.

This is lovely, from the Pythagoras set. Temperance = Sophrosune. She is the only one that has the wisdom to balance the ingredients due to the extent of her experience and patience. Once again, you see the rainbow above her head as in the Osho Zen. Only this time the flowers are the Iris that Nostradamus wrote about. On her body she as the letter M for Mother.

14 years from 2002, and 14 years prior to that was 1988. 28 years.

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