
Monday 25 April 2016


Original artwork A4 

In the Osho Zen blog post the message FILM was shared.

Today film is in the news as the film maker that was working with Prince reveals what it was like to work with the musical recluse. Apparently he would ask for a camel at 3am in the morning, and it is a known fact that he had 'insomnia'.

Police are still investigating his passing in Paisley, Minnesota.

Remember this children, business is a minefield, and the music industry is like being in an American  war.

Protecting Your Name

Prince 'Despair' Prophecy

Prince and Paisley

I find it interesting that I was compelled to make posts on health conditions that could've been impacting upon Prince and that which can help people with those health conditions. He wasn't just having knee issues, he was also having hip issues, and had done so for a very long time.

For decades. Basically, he had worn out his joints due to too much dancing and dance training. Prince said that it wasn't to do with his heels that he wore. He was also 'bullied' as a child and physical trauma can co-create physiological neurone conditions.

'Physiological Neurone' conditions can be assisted with the appropriate nutrition. A lot of people think they are eating what the body requires, when in fact, most people have to seriously look at what they are eating. Even those that think that are eating a healthy diet. It makes you wonder why his existing health conditions were not disclosed at the point of the autopsy report.

He was definitely frail for 57 years old, and it is written that he was vegan in the news report above. He looked liked he could do with some decent food to 'fatten' him up. The body does require animal fats although you don't have to eat meat to get those fats.

Did Jesus eat meat? Scripture says he did and he also liked a drink.

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