
Tuesday 26 April 2016


During the night I had another dream. In the dream I was about to open a door and a woman came and collapsed at my feet. I knew that I had to get the woman to hospital quickly so phoned for an ambulance. Instinctively, I knew that it was either 'epilepsy', or 'diabetes' and she had short naturally black hair. I knew that she had come to see me to help her.

Then the dream changed, and I was in my house with a man, and outside a large truck van pulled up.

The man that I was with was speaking to me, and we agreed that I should get into bed and rest and I was snuggled up under the covers.

I asked the man who the man was that had just arrived, and he told me who the man was prior to him saying to get into bed and rest. After I got into bed I asked him again who the man was and he said the same again.

After that I saw the man that had got out of the truck van, and he was getting married for the third time to an ex-friend in my locality. In his hand a diamond had been inset into one of his fingers. The diamond wasn't in a ring, it was actually inset into the finger itself. Hence the diamond finger appeared to be an important aspect of the dream due to its prominence at the end of the dream.

When I woke and did a search on 'Diamond Finger', I then found that there is a 'Diamond Finger' from 1958 from Thailand.

The man with the diamond finger had arrived in a vehicle that brought him, he had been transported due to the fact that he was going to get married again. The man was English, although he had arrived from abroad, and had left the country that he was living in.

There is also an African musician with the nickname, 'Diamond Fingers'.

While I was still in bed pondering on the dream after I had woken up, I received the message, 'anti-cancer'. So I then pondered on that and received the message 'antioxidants'.

1 comment:

  1. Thailand is in the news with a custody case over a surrogate child.

    The name of the little girl is Carmen.
