
Tuesday 22 March 2016

Sjogren's Neurons

This video is about how a neurone fires, remember a spiritual being on a journey having a human experience. Its important that you comprehend the anatomy that you are working with. Looks just like the branches of a tree.


The reason why self-development is very important for all health conditions. The younger that you are when you do that self-development and self-healing; the better your abilities are when you are older. The more accepting you are of yourself and the more understanding you are yourself.

These are just some of the rewards of putting in the effort into self-development, some call it self-awareness. Although it is much more than that and it goes much deeper than that. 

The Spirit of God gave us power, love and discipline when we did the self-development and healing work.  This is why many people that became healers appreciated the fact that complimentary therapies was an investment in the self and one's own health. 

Energy is intelligent and the heart is intelligent proven by science. Creation evolves and evolution creates, although Sjogren's is triggered by 'trauma' that changes DNA. Its when the body has experienced enough - and the body is telling you no more impact on this body. It requires you to give it your purest intention and utmost attention. 

If you already have mutated genetics or an existing condition due to mutated genetics, then the impact of it can be even more severe.  However, if you have done the self-development work it can be less than what others experience. 

What is important is that you stay relaxed and peaceful about the situation - and don't push yourself to do something that the body is not ready to do. So if and when you start walking and your body responds to you walking, then your body is telling you to stop. If you take 'pain killers' than how will you know when your body is communicating with you? 


Can this healer of consciousness agree with that video maker on everything that he is saying? 

No. We do have a centre and that centre is essential for balance. Its important to note that the medical scientists are still learning about anatomy, and there are systems in the body that they're still discovering. What is clear divinely is that collagen is an incredibly important aspect and it starts to decrease at the age of 25.

The older you are the less oxygen you have going to the brain so that is another important aspect to be taken into account. There are methods to get more oxygen to the brain and they have been written about on this blog. There are manganese nutrients in food that can also boost your collagen, manganese is an essential nutrient with Vit A. 

I think that this is the best video on Neurones.

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