
Tuesday 22 March 2016

JUSTICE RYAN - Universal Credit

As the nun's prophecy foretold, if they don't come through the gate of mercy, they will have to come through the gate of justice. In the UK when a request for information is requested from a government department, the department must provide disclosure to the people.

In 2011, information was requested by two different people for information about the new 'universal credit benefit'. The case as now been brought before a tribunal and Judge Ryan responded to DWP due to the department withholding the information.

'We are not convinced that reasonably robust civil servants would consider the risk of disclosure in these circumstances would create pressure to change the way in which they operated'.

RYAN is also a name that has been spoken of divinely, from memory the original message was 'Now comes Peter Pan and Ryan'.

Lunar Eclipse March 23rd 2016.

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