
Monday 21 March 2016

Lunar Eclipse March 23rd

Barbara Goldsmith gives her report on what she calls, are you standing in your own sunshine? A lunar eclipse in Libra is all about your relationships, The eclipse with Mercury, Sun and Uranus in Aries. How to love yourself, Venus is square to Saturn so how are you viewing yourself and how others are viewing you?

Barbara mentions how some people didn't like her grey hair, but she is comfortable with it, and who she is. Although I recommend that Barbara Goldsmith goes for some past life healing therapy, she's doing great and she has become comfortable with the ageing process, although sometimes she sounds and looks like she is trying to hard. So relax you are doing fine.

Interesting that Age UK charity was in the news today, and that does align with the grey hair. An alignment there because Age UK was in the firing line today, and it was shared how much the CEO is earning.

People have had enough of the CEO's of charities earning big salaries, big administration teams, big offices, and little money actually going to the good causes that they say that they're raising money for.

CEOs of charities are certainly not taking austerity onto their boards.

The people are asking for a much better balance in the revenues and from where those revenues come from and that is typical of libra. Libra people are often involved in accountancy, economics and the justice system. In fact, my female Libra friend was in credit control, so financial practices will certainly be examined in every sphere of influence by the 1950's women that were traditionally good housekeepers with the budget.

At the same time as national government as clearly not met any of its targets to date, and nor have local councils. Although Winchester in Hampshire won the accolade of the best place to live in the UK.

An eclipse that is about relationships, friendships, how people are relating to each other in their communities. Who is at your side defending your relationship with the trees, ecology and the air that you breath. Who is really defending jobs and who are the real social visionaries.

As some like to see themselves as leaders when in fact their leadership as co-created what humanity now face. Having to call it all back into account. So we will see many reversals due to the demands of the people.

As Libra is an air sign, people will be calling for balance and social justice, not just for the most vulnerable, but also for the causes that they have a relationship with.

So what are your plans this week? I hope to give and receive healing treatments with a lovely elder, that's our nurturing and helping each other day to improve health conditions. So for us it is a relationship with our bodies and our health and what is best for it. Barbara is wearing the turquoise blue a good colour for transformation.

The following day, March 23rd, the actual eclipse a couple are coming to pick me up and we are going to spend the afternoon together sharing our joy in ADAR.

Its a great day to spend with friends that share your concerns, share your understanding, and share your truth. Its definitely an eclipse of causes as in the charities, and also for social justice, and social visionaries, as it is the anniversary of the birthday of the Son of Joseph. That Aries was definitely a goat where causes and social justice is concerned, the humanitarians are asking for justice to be done in relationship with their lives. Due to the impact that outside influences are having upon their lives and how they live it. 

Its also an eclipse for community projects, and working in relationship with the community that are aligned with your causes. So I am not surprised that I am still writing about health, healing foods, therapies and what I have been working on. I have written about fish sandwiches for Sjogren's although it really could be a goats milk eclipse - and we have a lovely goats farm locally, that make that lovely goats milk ice cream. He said, 'Well Done'. He likes the farm.

Relationship with food? What is your relationship with it and what does it mean to you? Do you have a balance of nutrients and do you nurture your bodies in the way that your body would like to be nurtured? Or do you think that you know better than your body does? Ponder upon it! For the mind is in every cell and every cell as a mind of its own. 

Sjogren's Fish Sandwiches

I've chosen two elder women for this eclipse because again it is a cause, when the older women are having to defend their human rights. The right to food, the right to a home, the right to healthcare are basic human rights at a time when 1950's women have become a cause.

You have to remember that is was many of the 1950's women that stepped out of the mould, and thought outside of the box on mass. It was these women that really pushed our nation forward into prosperity.

Pam Gregory shares her view of it and mentions the requirement for coherent policies. Another full moon, the fruition, the completion. Friendship groups that can impact on the direction that you go into next. As we have seen Iain Duncan-Smith left his group at DWP, and took a different direction.

MPs have been removed from disabled charities, people are deciding on who they will vote for in the council elections in May. Its got to the point that many people are going beyond politics and asking themselves, does this person do what I would like them to do on my behalf. Are they a voice for me?

What is my relationship with this person, do they speak common sense, do they do the right thing, do they say the right things, do they speak up and act on the important issues or do they just send me a standard letter?

Its clear this is the energy of bringing balance back into your lives, being aligned with the self. Pam refers to it as a dawn, dawning of the new day.

Mental faculty heavily involved in this eclipse, so again, with Libra being an air sign, the NHS will be in the spot light and major changes will have to be made due to the amount of 'suicides' that are happening. Reducing costs, saving costs, is not an option now, the balance has to be returned to provide the essential services that people require in an ever growing population.

As usual how this eclipse will impact on your individual life will very much depend on what house it is in - in your birth chart. Although this is the time for the social visionaries to really step up and forward, in all walks of life. Many have still got their heads in the clouds, so its really important that people have their feet on the ground. Let's see some real compassionate action for the common good.

Pam is wearing red and gold, very regal. So what colours will you be wearing this week? I've been given silver for the full moons, so silver and white, silver and grey, silver, gold, and white. White slacks and warm jumpers with a mix in the wools and fabric. Keep it as light and as direct as you can, as life is hard enough for so many. In the UK keep an eye on Scotland and the moves that they make.

In the lead up to the spring holidays in the UK, I don't think that many people are going to be bothered with the EU campaign. People will already be asking themselves what they can afford for our holidays.

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