
Monday 21 March 2016


BBC report that 'in 2000 Parliament agreed to end fuel poverty in the UK by 2016. 

16 years on, more than a million working families still cannot afford to heat their homes'.

Parents are getting more and more 'ill due to poverty', and children are the 'unhappiest', they have been and are suffering the biggest poverty since Victorian times. What the Conservatives have done to increase the wealth of the rich at the expense of the poor is a 'crime against humanity'.

The politicians wonder why children are not operating at optimum performance in schools.


I agree with Dr Ursula Anderson that the extent of the suffering of children is due to the impact of their parents suffering. It doesn't just impact on one generation either, it impacts on 3-4 generations.

London Woman Dream

Social cleansing of the communities. People can't afford to live in London social housing due to the fact that the rents keep on going up beyond what people can afford to pay, and yet, the properties have been bought in rent over and over again.

As such, those properties could be rent free and just pay for services and council tax.  Councils didn't reinvest rent gained from properties into building new social housing. Now parliament is using those high rents to say that they not paying for those in benefits when they were the people that caused the high rents in the first place.

So what they're actually saying is that they are not going to pay high rents to themselves. You wonder sometimes who is doing the economics, clearly, the only economics that Cameron is interested in is the property development of historical social housing; so that even more rich people can live in the capital.

Families and people are going without fuel and they are going without food in the UK. 3.5M people are now below the poverty line in the UK and those are the people that are known about.

The safety net of the welfare state as been removed from families that find themselves in a vulnerable situation. Food or clothes for their quickly growing children. What a choice for parents to have to make. The choice has to be food doesn't it, although many are having to go to food banks - it reminds us of Victorian England, will the English be giving their children to charities like the Greek are doing?

Even with the food banks it isn't food on tap, they only get four opportunities a year to get to a food bank for their families. And what if and when a person doesn't have any transport and can't get to a food bank? People are suffering immensely due to the social engineering of parliament and successive government decisions. Rich and wealthy people think that there is support in the community, let me ask you where is it?

Where is the love, compassionate action and mercy?

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