
Monday 21 March 2016

Sjogren's Fish Sandwiches

With Sjogren's each day is different some days you feeling like eating and some days you don't. Some days you feel like cooking and some days you don't. Some days you have an appetite, some days you don't. So what to do to get your nutrients?

Try to eat little and often with important nutrients.

The sandwich today, if you have a wheat allergy, then try flat bread instead.

I had two slices of seven seeds bread with ready to eat mustard marinated herring provided by SILVER TIDE. Marinades of Scotland with cucumber and spring onion. Of course you can make it yourself as like the video above. Another great fish for this condition is smoked mackerel a nice oily fish, and or smoked salmon. You can also make some home made salmon pate with some cream or yoghurt if you wish. I also like homemade smoked mackerel pate, delicious with lemon mayonnaise.

Dill is recommended for when you don't have any appetite, as it increases appetite, fresh dill can be eaten fresh. Fresh dill is best of all. Also fresh chives are recommended for the extra nutrients.

Dill and chives are lovely with fish. If you like fennel you can also have some fennel seeds in your sandwiches for extra relief. Fennel is an essential seed to take for the reduction of heat around the joints, in the circulation system and ideal to put on breakfast in the morning with your other seeds.

Aftermy fish and salad sandwich, I had a snack of berries.

My berries included Cranberries, raisins, exotic Inca berries, cherries and blueberries. I tend to snack on this kind of fruit, seeds and nuts. Almonds are on my menu last week and this week for extra manganese for the booster of the collagen in the body.


My supplement at the moment is Starflower Oil, and I've just started to take 1 tablet a day of St John's Wort for extra relief because St John's Wort works with the nervous system. St John's Wort works within 24 hours, but it is advised not to take it if you are sunbathing, otherwise it can impact on the skin and it is advised that pregnant women don't take St John's Wort.

Sainsbury's used to have it in store for a about £1 a box, but they removed it from the shelves.

This is the brand that I am currently experimenting with, it was recommended by the health food shop that I trust.

Keep your skin as moist as possible inside and out, to do that you have to have the appropriate nutrients for the body inside and outside, especially to boost the collagen in the body, as that begins to decrease at the age of 25.

Your female bodies require lots of tender loving care, ponder upon it and why it is mostly women that get Sjogren's between the ages of 40-60, although younger people are also experiencing it - and it can completely take you out of the proper circulation of the bodies normal functions.

You can put coconut oil on your face head and neck, you can clean your teeth with coconut oil. Its also very important that you have some complimentary medicine therapies, and I recommend aromatherapy massage, Reiki for increasing the oxygen in the blood, and reflexology first off.

Reflexology can help you to appreciate and understand where there are some blockages in the body. so that you can work with that to eliminate it. So for instance there are particular fruit and nuts that you can have for clearing the sinus and that is about the cranial nerves.

You might also feel the requirement to do some self-development, and self-healing, as it brings up anything that is very deep - especially if you are unable to go to work, or do the things that you liked to do.

Women find themselves not being able to do the things that they did before, it impacts on abilities, functionality and mobility that can be hard for a woman, especially if and when she has been successful and physically fit in her life time. Its most important that you don't put yourself under any pressure at all, and that you retain as much peace within as you can. For many that can mean being reclusive - and it does bring with it financial issues to address for most women, because you and your life has changed immeasurably.

Its very important that you make your health your very first priority, on a daily basis and are consciously aware of what your body requires each day as it changes by the hour, and day-to-day depending what the body requires in minerals. Your body is a barometer for balance -v- imbalance of nutrients, and people with Sjogren's require a lot more nutrients than your body did before.

Everyone's body is a self-dynamic healing system and you have to give your bodies the most help you can to combat the health conditions that you have. Never give in to it, never give up, you have to learn to master it and not let it master you. Once you know what is working for you, you will then gain far greater confidence in your ability to make sure that you can reverse the condition completely.

When your health conditions improve you know what you are doing is working. So for instance, skin disease as cleared up on one of the areas of my body, and no scarring left. My eyes are fine, just a little sticky sometimes when I wake up.

Since I began making my own nutrient drinks, drinking coffee as been reduced right down to one or two cups a day. My fluid intake requirement as decreased due to the nutrients in the drinks that I am having.

The more progress that you make, the greater your light of hope becomes, the more progress you make with it, its a nutrient cycle, and you can take that cycle up or you can 'ignore it and go down with it.' I will continue to add more food recommendations for you to try to take you and your nutrient cycle up to a higher level of living life that is healthy for you.

However, it is up to you to really tune in to what is working for you, listen to your bodies because each individual is at a different phase of the condition, and the symptoms do vary in people. For instance some people have experienced their blood vessels exploding from face to feet, others have experienced bites on their legs suddenly appear during the night. Some have experienced both.

The nutrients work quickly, some quicker than others. You can include things that you like to eat in your menus as long as they provide the nutrients that your body requires. You may be pleasantly surprised that you can eat more of a particular food than you have done in the past.


Make sure that you have plenty of nutrients in the cupboard and fridge, I will put a list together of the essentials to always have in the cupboard and fridge - so that you always have something that is nutritional and designed for you. I have been divinely guided with it and continue to be so.

I like a very varied menu, and can't eat the same thing every day. So I might have days when I am eating marinated fish, days when I am having homemade soups, days when I am having a lot of juiced, days when I am just eating raw and salads. Days when I have a cooked meal, days when I don't eat and only drink.

Days when I am just snacking, little and often and I will keep people updated with progress and discoveries as they happen. Manganese is very important and so is Vit A that is the divine guidance received this month.

Keep the light of hope in your hearts always, for you are loved beyond measure. You can unlock your bodies ability to heal with the nutrients in the healing foods, complimentary medicine therapies, vibrational medicine, flower essences and aromatherapy oils, lots of tender loving care to you.

The power of magnanimous love, mercy, compassionate action and discipline.

Brave souls have courage and do your best to have serenity.

May my peace be with you and the well-being of enlightenment.

For enlightenment springs from the well of peace.

25th March 2016.


A Danish sandwich - an open sandwich with one slice of thick brown bread. With mustard marinated herring, asparagus on top with a spring onion. Served with some brazil nuts.

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