
Sunday 20 March 2016

Trump Tower Chicago

This apparently happened on the 14th March, 2016. Trump Tower in Chicago while the primaries in America was underway. The lightening on the left of it and the face of a man in the lightening on the right of it. Not the first time that lightening as been viewed in prominent locations at prominent times.

Although its interesting when you bear in mind that the flag of the location where the recent flyDubai crash happened in Russia has a tower upon it.

And prior to that there was the local business man dream that was going to see a tarot reader. The tower card being struck by lightening is in the major arcane. 

Is it a coincidence that the HQ of Boeing is in Chicago? American planes!

Donald Trump that didn't hold back about wishing to court Princess Diana, I'm sure she giggled at his advances. As if the Lady Diana would entertain a man like that, Diana had class - and that is something that neither Donald Trump or America can buy, people with true culture and real love in their hearts cannot be bought.

As my mother used to say 'We come from good stock', I still remember when she sat and made my clothes, nimble fingers with a thimble.

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