
Sunday 20 March 2016

Rostov-On-Don Plane Crash

In the fisher dream there was a woman who sounded like she had a Ukrainian accent.

Today there is news about a FlyDubai, flight FZ981 plane crash in Russia and RT says there were eight Ukrainians and 44 Russians on that flight. The crash happened on Saturday and it is clearly wintertime in Russia.  That aligns with a Jesus prophecy. 'Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath' Matthew 24:20.

The Denver Post wrote: 'The plane itself was produced in 2011 and underwent a detailed maintenance inspection known as a C check in Jordan on January 21 of this year, the CEO said'. That seems like a long time ago for a plane that carries people, 55 passengers and seven crew, the crew were all from different countries.

RT share with us that some people didn't get on that flight for different reasons. 'Elvira Isaeva overslept. Another passenger who mislaid his passport just days prior to the vacation with his wife is now a widower. A Rostov woman had cancelled her vacation in Dubai at the last moment for unknown reasons RT.'

Rostov-On-Don Flag 

What about the location? On its Wikipedia profile it tells us that the location is where a massacre took place of 27,000 Jewish people by the Germans in 1942.

Battle of Rostov

So we have a tower on their flag and a tower in the tarot, I mention the tarot because I had a dream where a local business man was going to see a tarot reader.

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