
Saturday 19 March 2016

Iain Duncan Smith Resigns + 3 MPs Disability Charities

People in the UK celebrated when Iain Duncan Smith resigned from DWP. However, it wasn't just Iain Duncan Smith that people celebrated about. 

Three MP's that voted for austerity and were also representing disabled charities have been removed from those charities and it includes Zack Goldsmith. Let the people hear it loud and clear in advance of the forthcoming Libra Lunar Eclipse. 

For it is true that Libra is about justice and balance, and people have to get their priorities in order, because the health of the people comes first for the Messiah. Jesus supported health and healing for his people and so do I. 

Church or Health? 

Health and healing for love heals the world and compassionate action changes it. For what compassionate action and mercy is there in austerity measures upon the poorest and most vulnerable of the nation? 

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