
Saturday 19 March 2016


I think that the local business man that was in the recent dream is a Taurus the Bull, in our locality he was known as the king of entertainment and he does like his food. He once took a friend and I out on my birthday bless him, and we socialised a lot together in the 80's.

In the post link above the story of the HERMIT RECLUSE was included due to it being included in the national media, the same day that I had a dream that included tarot.

The tarot with many links to France. Its clear that the spiritual people in France liked symbology. Its not just symbology though is it, it also includes numerics.

The numeric of the Hermit card is number 9 and 2016 is a 9 year. The number 9 was viewed as an indestructible number, it is also the number of divine love and completion. It was on the 9th September 2007, 999, that the divine plan for the children was delivered.

Also in recent news it mentioned that at least half of nightclubs have been closed down in the UK, and the social scene is definitely changing. The latest news is that police are talking about giving people the breathalyser prior to entering a drinking establishment. Due to the amount that the youth are drinking and the repercussions of that.

However, the extra tax burden on alcohol did nothing to stop binge drinking. The British government taxed the alcohol heavily and in so doing, the youth started to drink at home prior to going out. That then leads us back to the politicians and their social engineering of the youth - that began drinking more at home due to the cost of going out.

The policies of successive governments always have the opposite impact that they think that their policies will. Instead of helping the communities, the politicians have a history of doing the opposite due to their support of the corporations instead of the people that elected them e.g. business people.

Literally thousands of pubs have closed in the UK, and its all part of the cultural genocide of a nation.

It used to be the case that the UK had more pubs than churches and the local pub was an inherent part of the British culture. However, in southern Europe it was traditionally food and drink together.

Although the men did have their own drinking holes that they walked home from. I remember having a drink with the fishermen in Greece on a Greek Island with my partner. It truly was lovely to go and get a litre of wine from the locals that had made the wine themselves.

Today there was news of the boulders coming down upon the cyclists course in Italy too.

The other person in the dream that the business man was going to see, had the name of Lorraine = Kingdom of Lothar.

Barbara shares with us that on the day that I received that dream of him, the 18th of March, was the day that Mars went retrograde. On the 23rd March there is another eclipse - a Libra Lunar Eclipse. It just happens it is also the 'Day of Curiosity' and the birthday anniversary of the Son of Joseph. We have just had a total solar eclipse, and now get ready for the libra lunar eclipse.

Libra is all about balance and justice, so you can be sure that justice will be in the news for this eclipse. No surprise then that Iain Duncan Smith has already resigned from his position at DWP, and three MP's have been removed from disabled charities and that includes Zack Goldsmith.

This dream also came at a time when the FSB have their report about what is happening with small business people. They are not as confident about the future, as they have been in the past. Confidence amongst small business people is the lowest it has been since 2013. 

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