
Sunday 20 March 2016

Michelangelo's 'Madonna del Silenzio'

Its the first time that this work of art as been put on public display in 50 years, the Michelangelo artwork titled, 'Madonna del Silenzio (Madonna of Silence) has gone on show at the new Harley Gallery in Nottinghamshire. It was created in 1538.

Her right foot is bare foot, young child sleeping laid across her lap, on her right leg, with an elderly man that looks like a grandfather looking on at the child. They look like they are wondering what to do with the child.

The boy child is on her right leg, and the right leg is about spiritual direction. It indicated that the spiritual direction that she would be sent in would be with children, putting her right foot forward.

The mother sits on a stone throne, with a book in the right hand. It indicates a time when she would read, when her child was young and resting. Divine intervention that my son didn't like wearing anything at all when he was sleeping. He even used take himself out of his babygro when he was in his cradle. It used to amaze me, how he managed to get out of it. I thought he might be a Houdini when grew up, as he is good at getting out of tight situations.  Big smiles.

Her left foot is also bare and you can see it underneath the material. In the folds of the fabric he has put the letter T and if you turn the image on its right, you can see a man's face under the T.

On her head she has a cherub and a heart, beautiful. It indicates what was on her mind at the time, the love of her child.

On the right of the artwork you can see what looks like an egg timer, indicating a timeline.

In the background a man looks on and Michelangelo has given a symbol created by his fingers. You will see Hebrew letters in the artwork, if you examine it carefully. Everything that Michelangelo did, he planned it methodically, with messages for those he knew would be able to read it.

Then today this as been posted on-line and it includes a comment in respect of Malakim and Jubilees 2:18 Malakim shares shabbat with the Father.

Its no coincidence that my parents had stone seats in the garden of their London home, and outside of their country retreat in Kent, and I often spent shabbat with my parents with my son. The single-parent mum and her son.

Nostradamus also provided a prophecy that the Iris would not be seen for 40 years and after 40 years it could be seen everyday. He used the Iris for healing purposes as he like many healers worked with flower essences, the leaves for healing the nations.

Recently a consultation has been given to a young mum and she reports that the flower essences are working with her child.

My son is now 33 years old and he hopes to qualify in his training, so that he will work with children, the right leg.

The joy increases in ADAR 

It is always a joy to see the work of Michelangelo. 

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